The city of Pensacola has overwhelmingly responded to Chief Alexander and supported him. When the city was gathered at the Pensacola Bay Center for a time of prayer and intercession, the Chief was met with an extended standing ovation when he took the stage.
Number 7, The Hebrew Calendar and how it Converges with the Election of President Donald Trump
Sometimes when we are watching a movie, we are set on how we think it is going to end, but then, at the last moment, RESCUE! This is exactly what God has done as He has rescued us at the last moment. This is like what Pastor John Kilpatrick recently spoke about at Church of His Presence in Daphne, Alabama. He shares that he was recently informed that years ago, Paula White had led Donald Trump to the Lord and to watch his life, that God had a plan for him. As Pastor Kilpatrick shared, this took place during the 1990’s. Now as we have seen him rise to the place of President, there are several connections between Donald Trump and Israel.
As Pastor Kilpatrick reads from a recent Charisma Magazine article, there are some interesting realities that one simply cannot overlook. Here are just some notable mentions:
-Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946. Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948. Donald Trump was born exactly 700 days before Israel became a nation.
-Israel was 77 days old exactly 777 days after Donald Trump was born.
-Israel’s 70thbirthday will come exactly 700 days after Trump’s birthday.
-Donald Trump won the election on Benjamin Netanyahu’s 7th year, 7th month, and 7th day in office.
–Donald Trump would be 70 years, seven months and seven days old on his first full day as president of the United States.
– And this would happen during year 5777 on the Hebrew calendar.
These are such encouraging moments to realize as once again America will be not just be an ally to Israel, but also a friend of Israel. See the whole discussion of the connections between Donald Trump and Israel, but also Vice President Mike Pence, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: Jerusalem, Columbus Ohio, blessings, U.S. Embassy, Tel Aviv, and Israel. Greg shared in this segment.
Wealth Transfer in 2017 for the People of God Brother Kilpatrick
As President Trump, has not only begun the talks about moving the American Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, he also begun the actions of making it a reality. Pastor John Kilpatrick recently spoke at Church of His Presence, in Daphne, Alabama describing how this event would blow the lid off of blessings coming to America. During these times of shifting and changing seasons, don’t be surprised that money will unexpectedly find you. Don’t be surprised that money shows up in your bank account without you knowing about it!
People can say what they want to, but this is what God is doing! We are already witnessing people experiencing money showing up in their bank accounts just as we were told would happen! Hear the full discussion of the coming wealth transfer, how blessings are going to envelop the Body of Christ, the nominee of the Department of Education, Betsy DeVos, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: Israel, blessings, provision, Christian Schools, and Jimmy Carter. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Raining Gold Flakes in the Court Room of God, Provision for God’s People Prophetic Dream Greg Lancaster
Our God is so good, He is doing so many things, that it may take all the way to December of this year just to begin to describe all the good that He is bringing to pass! God is doing this for a reason, to demonstrate that He is good! God spoke specifically to Greg Lancaster on December 28th about what would be taking place.
So often, in a culture of injustice, we can assume that things are already going to end up in accordance with what has been taking place all around us; thinking that there couldn’t possibly be a turn of events to end up contrary to the expectations. In this prophetic night vision, Greg was in a court room and everyone present thought it was going to go the bad guy’s way. Everyone thought this way except for the prosecutor. As soon as the gavel fell, bringing about justice, gold flakes began to fall and fill the entire court room. Immediately the prosecutor turned around, looked directly at Greg and said, “SEE I TOLD YOU!” The gold flakes were so thick in the room that Greg couldn’t even see the other side of the court room! The truth is, when the thief is identified, he must pay back seven times what he had stolen!
For so long the devil has held back finances from flowing into the Kingdom far the Church to advance the Church. The devil knows what the Church would do with financial blessings: sow into ministries, so into missionaries, etc. What is going to happen when you get blessed? We must have confidence in God’s hand being able to redeem us.
Presently, we are seeing fires of crisis rising throughout the land. Do not be alarmed. When there is a domestic disturbance call causing law enforcement to arrive, there is sure to be an increase in the commotion. But, be assured that the bad guy, or woman, is sure to go to jail. Regardless of what may rise up in these near days, God is still in control and is bringing about justice.
Be encouraged to not only change your mindsets, but also change your expectations! See the full conversation of what took place in the courtroom, what the gold flakes represent, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: miracles, provision, blessing, justice, court room. Greg and John shared in this segment.
The Seat of Evil Will Come Down and the Seat of the Righteous will rise – Prophetic Word
God has spoken prophetically about these times of changing seasons that we are now seeing. It was in 2015 that God spoke prophetically to Greg Lancaster in a night vision. In this specific encounter, Greg was witnessing specific injustices that were taking place within law enforcement. Amidst these happenings, he was specifically told “The seat of evil is going to come down and the seat of the righteous will rise.” This came at a time when injustices were happening. The Lord also showed that David Alexander would be the next Chief of Police over the city of Pensacola; the city’s first African American Chief of Police.

When Greg declared these prophetic words out into the atmosphere, it was only a few hours later that affects were seen in the immediate culture. God immediately began to shift things! We are continuing to see it to this day as abortion is coming down as well. Hear the entire word being shared, the tumultuous culture that was in effect when the word was shared, how God is shifting the environment, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: Ted Cruz, Planned Parenthood, Lindsey Graham, David Daleiden, Center for Medical Progress, Kermit Gosnell, Margaret Sanger, racism, Jezebel, Ding Dong the witch is dead, ACLJ, and Jay Sekulow. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Minister Paula White Prays at the Inauguration for the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump
It’s exciting to see a new administration begin to take office. What is additionally exciting is to see how the President gave the platform to multiple ministers so that they could pray not only for the President, but also for America, in the name of Jesus Christ.
One of these ministers is Paula White, who reportedly led Donald Trump to the Lord during the 1990’s. When White took the podium, she continued to pray for President Trump, Vice President Pence and our nation. White pointed out how God directs those in leadership as is stated in Proverbs 21:1, “In the Lord’s hand the king’s heart…” See the full prayers from Paula White as well as the full inaugural speech from the President, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: prayers, blessings, speech, Washington D.C., and mercy. Greg and John shared in this segment.