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Home » PROPHECY! God Heard our Cry, A Midnight Interruption, John Kilpatrick

PROPHECY! God Heard our Cry, A Midnight Interruption, John Kilpatrick


LISTEN NOW! These truly are exciting days! For those who have been long time listeners and viewers of VFNtv, you know there have been many difficult words that we have had to prophetically cry out to the Lord about. At the end of each and every program, we have asked God to end abortion, send revival, and send a Third Great Awakening! As Pastor John Kilpatrick shares, God has heard our cry!
As Pastor Kilpatrick shares, the Lord woke him up in the middle of the night with these very words, “At midnight, a cry was made, ‘Behold the Bridegroom comes, go out to meet him.’ Then they arose, both the wise and the foolish. They awoke from slumber.” Pastor Kilpatrick looked directly at his clock, and the digital numbers boldly proclaimed “12:00”. Holy Spirit continued to speak to Pastor Kilpatrick about the season that we have entered and the many different opportunities that God is now making available to His people.
Therefore, I have set before My people open doors—not just a door, but many doors. I am opening doors of opportunity that have not been opened to you before. Because there has been a great change of heart, I have hastened to answer. Many have awakened, but they have not arisen. My word now is, ‘Arise!’ Do not return to slumber as in times past, because there will be many opportunities that I am opening to this nation, and very effectual doors that I am opening to My Church.
These doors will lead to greater resources than you have known. It is important not to be timid, intimidated or fearful. This is not one of the four seasons I have established in the earth, but this is a special season. It is a time of My choosing. As the men of Issachar had understanding of the times to know what to do, so I will give you that very same insight if you will ask of me. I will direct you and show you.


When God spoke to Jonah, He directed Jonah to declare a message to the city of Nineveh. God wanted Jonah to tell the city what was coming in hopes that they would repent. The city responded. The city shifted, but Jonah didn’t. God has blessings in store. He heard our cry and God has shifted the seasons. It’s time to stop talking about the torrential storm. There is not going to be a storm. There are going to be rough times, but it’s not going to be as we were previously shown. This is a special season. It’s time to change your mindsets, and let the ways of yesteryear go. Be greatly stirred and lifted up as you hear the entire word and all of the prophetic words from Pastor Kilpatrick about 2017, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment. 



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