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Home » WATCH! President Trump Disrupts the Spiritual Realm; CBS Report on Radical Islam & Christianity


PROPHECY! “What Trump did in His Inaugural Address…”; Dr. Lance Wallnau shares Prophetic Word about President Trump
As we are only weeks into Donald Trump’s Presidency, we are seeing just about everything imaginable being shaken up. All the mindsets and expectations of how things were perceived, are being challenged. President Trump is simply stirring everything that has been setup within the politics of Washington D.C. These events are very similar to how God raised up Jehu to dismantle and destroy the leadership of Jezebel, as described in 2 Kings 9. Connecting the parallels from Jehu to President Trump, Dr. Lance Wallnau shares how there are not only are their physical effects from the actions of President Trump, but, there are also spiritual effects.
Dr. Lance Wallnau recently shared about President Trump when he was on the Jim Bakker Show. As some have commented with criticism regarding Donald Trump taking office of the Presidency, this doesn’t surprise Wallnau. “Trump is literally an individual raised up like a Cyrus-candidate for the sake of God’s people, Israel and the Church.” Wallnau adds an additional dimension to the understanding of what has taken place when President Trump took office by describing what is now happing in the spiritual realm. “Where we are now is, we are watching the spirit of Jezebel responding to the spirit of Elijah; and the Elijah anointing came on Jehu, who was the governing official who dealt with Jezebel.” He continues to point out, “What Trump did in his inaugural address, he punched the globalist one world movement in the nose.”
It’s important to recognize where America was and where it was heading before President Trump took office. “Trump was risen up as the door was closing, and judgement was coming on America, we were heading down where our economy would have absolutely spiraled out of existence; and God put a mercy visit instead. He put a hard-nosed, prophetic Cyrus, who stands there at the door, and say, “NO”. There is going to be an extension of peace and grace on America…” This lines up with the prophetic word that the Lord gave back in 2016, “The Seat of Evil will Come Down and the Seat of the Righteousness will Rise”!
It is so encouraging to see and recognize the hand of the Lord moving mightily upon our nation and see all that He is doing. Be lifted up and stirred in your faith as you hear the full comments from Dr. Lance Wallnau about President Trump, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: principalities, spiritual warfare, progressives, media, and truth. Greg shared in this segment.

Do 66% of Democrats Believe that Christianity is Just as Bad as Radical Islam? A Look at a Recent CBS Report
A recent CBS report is revealing startling data on how some people perceive the differences between Christianity and Islam. Based on the CBS report, which polled more than 1,000 adults, and asked about how Radical Islam compares to other religions regarding violence. A staggering 66% of Democrats responded that they have a “same amount”; while 63% of Republicans believe Radical Islam encourages more violence than other religions. Only 2% of Republicans believed Radical Islam was less dangerous than other religions. When we look at these overwhelming statistics, we cannot overlook how so many have believed a lie about the truths regarding these realities. This is why we continually strive to have a true conversation about what is going on in our world today. Get the full conversation about this report from CBS, and so much more. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Is Your Phone Controlling You? Are 50 People in Silicon Valley Impacting the Decisions of 1 Billion People? PBS Discussion with Former Google Employee, Tristan Harris
It’s no surprise to realize that technology is effecting our lives, even the very way that carry out our daily routines. But, what we may not know or realize is the psychological effects that technology has. When PBSsat down to discuss the inner workings and designs of technology that all of us may be aware of, our smartphones, with former Google employee, Tristan Harris, he shared some interesting realities regarding the processes that go into designing this technology.
He gets right to the point by expressing, “I noticed when I was at Stanford, uh, there was a class called ‘The Persuasive Technology Design Class’. There was a whole lab at Stanford that teaches students how to apply persuasive psychology principles into technology to persuade people to use products in a certain way”. He continues to share, “It’s not about giving you all this freedom, it’s about sucking you in to take your time.” What some may not be aware of, is that, companies like Google, make much of their revenue from advertising. So, companies who are using certain websites and apps to show their advertising, want you to stay on certain pages for as long as possible in order for you to see their product, and make more money.
Harris points out how technology is now offering a “reality” that is quite contrary to the true reality that is all around us. “I often say that [technology] puts a new choice on life’s menu that is sweeter than reality.” He continues, “So, we’re turning to it more and more often. We check our phones about 150 times per day.” What we may never consider is the effects of the “constant scrolling” that many can attest doing when their phones are in their hands. One that is all too familiar with the “constant scrolling”, Harris shares about the effects it has on him personally, “I feel like, I don’t feel very good after that. I feel like my anxiety goes up. I feel, uh, more concerned about what I’m missing, what I’m missing out on, who I haven’t gotten back to. People think that I’m bad at getting back to them; all of this, sort of psychology emerges, all because of this one thing in my pocket.”
We can clearly see the end of the production line as each of our phones rests so comfortably in the palms of our hands; but have we ever considered how this technology first took shape when it was in the design phase? As one who used to work at Google, he discusses how design teams tossed around this question regarding the design of the Gmail Inbox App; “Should we make it buzz your phone every single time you get an email?” He talks about how he foresaw this choice effecting such a diverse group of people. “The outcome of that one choice would be a billion people getting buzzed at dinners with their dates, with their friends, and with their family, all of these billions of phones by the product of this one choice.” As Harris soaked in the reality of this looming question, he came to an astonishing realization. “Never before in history have 50, mostly male, 20 – 35 year old designers, living in California, working at three tech companies, influenced how a billion people spend their time.”
It seems like it was generations ago when the news used to take up one channel when it came on. When it did, there appeared to be a “hush” that fell across all of those present so that each could intently listen and hear what was being said. Fast forward to present day and there is a continual stream of news and information that doesn’t seem to stop. It’s important that we do not submit to technology but that we use technology to submit to us. God has delivered many prophetic words about how social media and technology will be used for the Kingdom, but we also must have the wisdom to turn technology off so that we can be involved with the relationships of reality that are right next to us. See the full interview with Tristan Harris, see more of the inner workings of Harris’ own projects, how Harris uses his phone, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Twitter, anticipation, notifications, paper planning, and anxiety. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

PROPHECY! “[President Trump] is UNSTOPPABLE because [God] is UNSTOPPABLE. [God’s] Kingdom is UNSTOPPABLE, and [President Trump] has a mandate from Heaven; he has momentum that is not his own.” Stephen Powell shares Prophetic Word for President Trump.
It is important to remember that the plans of men will never stand against the plans of God. America has just witnessed a miraculous chain of events watching Donald Trump rise to the place of President. From the recent prophetic word shared by Stephen Powell, we can clearly see how the Lord has not only established President Trump, but that the Lord has plans and purposes for President Trump.
There is great momentum behind President Trump right now. Momentum can’t be manufactured. It is a part of a spiritual movement, which in this case, is part of a move of God. This momentum enabled him to snatch the presidency from certain defeat, it enabled him to overcome the impossible, and he’ll do the same while governing. Where people believe “he won’t be able to do this, he won’t be able to do that,” this momentum and this spiritual force behind him will cause him to break through barriers others failed to break through.
I hear the Lord saying, “This man is unstoppable because I’m unstoppable. My Kingdom is unstoppable, and this man has a mandate from Heaven; he has momentum that is not his own. His movement will not dissipate, it will grow, and it will reach beyond the borders of American governing. It will inspire; it will stir up a nest.”
As the eagle stirs up the nest, so the Lord will do through this man. People are laughing at him, saying that his plans are too bold, his ideas are too big, that his plans will not work because after all, what President has been able to do these things before without gridlock?
But the Lord is saying, “This President shall not be in gridlock, for his strength is not his own. I have put a spirit of breakthrough on this man and on this land, and he will do things that will be monumental for the generations to come. I will use him to stir up the nest and cause this young generation of young eagles to soar.”
This is so exciting to see and to realize all that God is doing in this hour. As the Church, we must recognize this awesome moment as God has responded to our prayers by establishing a man as President who is a friend to the Church, to the U.S. Constitution, and to Israel. We must not only stand with him, but stand with him in prayer. Hear the full details of this word, and so much more. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Republicans and Democrats stand in Agreement as they Stand Together in Prayer for President Trump
It is a powerful moment when we see those in our nation that have so often been divided, political parties, now standing together. What is additionally captivating and inspiring is when this agreement takes place for the sole purpose of lifting up our new President during the 65thNational Prayer Breakfast. When Republican US Representative Robert Aderholt and Democratic US Representative, Juan Carlos Vargas, took to the podium, they stood in solidarity to pray for our President and America. See the entire prayer, the full Prayer Breakfast and so much more. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.  



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This post was updated 05-22-2017

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