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Home » PROPHECY! One Thing that God Wants to Establish in This Nation is Unconditional Love, John Natale

PROPHECY! One Thing that God Wants to Establish in This Nation is Unconditional Love, John Natale


LISTEN NOW! As CBN News continues to discuss the many prophetic words that were recently released to John Natale, Natale points to one of the things that God desires to bring about in America. “The greatest element that we have is love….It has to be about how I love you unconditionally. That’s the one thing that God wants to establish in this nation is unconditional love.”

Love was so beautifully walked out and demonstrated during the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. During one specific encounter, Dr. King, Jr. described how he had been detained at the police station and that the police officers had tried to choke Dr. King. Amidst this hatred towards Dr. King, his response echoes the harmony of what was revealed to Natale. “But, you know what, the more that they mistreat us, and the more that they abuse us, that’s the more that we’ve got to love them and forgive them because hatred is very much alive and we’ve got to love them.” Regardless of where we are, and regardless of who we are, the answer is always love. Be encouraged as you hear the entire prophetic word from John Natale, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Torch and the Sword, Rick Joyner, compassion, The Ten Commitments and Civil Christianity. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 



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