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Home » PROPHECY! “[President Trump] is UNSTOPPABLE because [God] is UNSTOPPABLE. [God’s] Kingdom is UNSTOPPABLE, and [President Trump] has a mandate from Heaven; he has momentum that is not his own.” Stephen Powell shares Prophetic Word for President Trump.

PROPHECY! “[President Trump] is UNSTOPPABLE because [God] is UNSTOPPABLE. [God’s] Kingdom is UNSTOPPABLE, and [President Trump] has a mandate from Heaven; he has momentum that is not his own.” Stephen Powell shares Prophetic Word for President Trump.


LISTEN NOW! It is important to remember that the plans of men will never stand against the plans of God. America has just witnessed a miraculous chain of events watching Donald Trump rise to the place of President. From the recent prophetic word shared by Stephen Powell, we can clearly see how the Lord has not only established President Trump, but that the Lord has plans and purposes for President Trump.

There is great momentum behind President Trump right now. Momentum can’t be manufactured. It is a part of a spiritual movement, which in this case, is part of a move of God. This momentum enabled him to snatch the presidency from certain defeat, it enabled him to overcome the impossible, and he’ll do the same while governing. Where people believe “he won’t be able to do this, he won’t be able to do that,” this momentum and this spiritual force behind him will cause him to break through barriers others failed to break through.
I hear the Lord saying, “This man is unstoppable because I’m unstoppable. My Kingdom is unstoppable, and this man has a mandate from Heaven; he has momentum that is not his own. His movement will not dissipate, it will grow, and it will reach beyond the borders of American governing. It will inspire; it will stir up a nest.”
As the eagle stirs up the nest, so the Lord will do through this man. People are laughing at him, saying that his plans are too bold, his ideas are too big, that his plans will not work because after all, what President has been able to do these things before without gridlock?
But the Lord is saying, “This President shall not be in gridlock, for his strength is not his own. I have put a spirit of breakthrough on this man and on this land, and he will do things that will be monumental for the generations to come. I will use him to stir up the nest and cause this young generation of young eagles to soar.”

This is so exciting to see and to realize all that God is doing in this hour. As the Church, we must recognize this awesome moment as God has responded to our prayers by establishing a man as President who is a friend to the Church, to the U.S. Constitution, and to Israel. We must not only stand with him, but stand with him in prayer. Hear the full details of this word, and so much more. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.



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