LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! The prophetic dialogue about President Trump continues as Sid Roth specifically asks Perry Stone about what God is showing him about President Trump. Stone points out as how President Trump “surrounds himself with more believers. Not ‘professed’ believers; not people who say they are, but, in their heart, are actual believers”. As Stone continues to emphasize, President Trump listens to their counsel. What brought most attention to Perry Stone during the day of the inauguration, is how “the name of Jesus got more attention, that day, than any inauguration I can ever remember.” What is additionally encouraging, as Stone explains, is how the individuals who prayed were specifically told, “pray what the Holy Spirit tells you to.”
It was these very beginnings and closing prayers that have been shared during the end of some of the VFNtv programs. It is so encouraging to see how President Trump is surrounding himself with ministers, and how the name of Jesus Christ is being lifted up. Be encouraged as you hear the full prophetic word from Perry Stone, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: global prayers, counsel, and wisdom. Greg and John shared in this segment.
screen capture from White House