Since 2009, we have been lifting up prayers asking God to end sex slavery, sexual trafficking in the world. Even before that, IHOP, The International House of Prayer has been interceding and praying, that God would end sex slavery in the world. As we have been seeing God answer so many prayers, we are also seeing God move in this area as well. To understand just how much of an epidemic sex trafficking has become in the world, Glenn Beck, reports on a recent trip to Thailand and his experiences as he responds to those that are caught up in the evils of slavery. Who, exactly is being targeted and effected, may surprise you.

Some may not be aware as to how much of an increasing epidemic sexual slavery has become in the world. As President Trump is responding to so many issues and problems in America, he is also acknowledging and addressing this issue as well.
“Thailand has become sex tourist capital of the world” Glenn Beck Reports Epidemic of Sex Trafficking in Thailand and the Hope of O.U.R.- Operation Underground Railroad
Since 2009, we have been lifting up prayers asking God to end sex slavery, sexual trafficking in the world. Even before that, IHOP, The International House of Prayer has been interceding and praying, that God would end sex slavery in the world. As we have been seeing God answer so many prayers, we are also seeing God move in this area as well. To understand just how much of an epidemic sex trafficking has become in the world, Glenn Beck, reports on a recent trip to Thailand and his experiences as he responds to those that are caught up in the evils of slavery. Who, exactly is being targeted and effected, may surprise you.
Beck describes a sequence of shocking events that transpired from the moment he arrived in the nation of Thailand. “I knew nothing of Thailand other than, it used to be Siam, which they don’t even know that was the ‘white man’ name for Bangkok…” Regardless of what wasn’t known about Thailand, Beck and his team all had the overwhelming response after arriving. “In the first 24 hours, all of us said ‘I will never come back here, ever again’”. He continues, “all of us said, ‘I can’t see anymore’”.
After this sobering introduction to the realities of Thailand, Beck and his team visited the local F.B.I. office and he was shocked to realize that people knew who he was. “When I sat down next to him…he started with thanking the audience for what they had done and how they are arresting the bad guys from America and from Europe.” After a hesitant pause, Beck shares this sobering reality, “Thailand has become the sex tourist capital of the world”. He continues, “because the laws have become so stringent elsewhere on what you do to a 6-year-old, they go to Thailand.” Beck describes how the Thailand government has just recently started to respond to rampant existence of sex slavery in the country.
As the government has responded to this, a recent sting arrested one single monk. In order to arrest this monk, the Thailand authorities sent 1,000 officers. “It would be like the Catholic Church arresting somebody in The Vatican… because they weren’t sure how people would react.” While talking with Thailand authorities, Beck was shown some of the technology that is used in order to compile the evidence to make arrests a reality. “Who” is being arrested is additionally alarming. “They are super computers that can go and get all the forensic evidence of these pedophiles, these guys who are going over and making films, with these children, and then shipping them out. And they all look like [Americans].”
Beck traveled to a specific city in Thailand and he was surprised as to what he found. “We went to a street where you can buy anything you want. Where 5 year old children were offering to sell us a watch.” A watch? That seems innocent enough. Beck thought the same. It was only after one of his operatives instructed him on what was actually taking place. The children were not selling the watch. When a “buyer” responded to the proposed watch, the “buyer” would then be led to the “seller” who would coordinate a specific time and then the “buyer” would decide what specifically to purchase. Beck describes what would then take place. “You’re not picking a watch. They were all the same. You were picking a boy.” Beck further describes the experience. “As I’m walking down the street, I noticed that tattooed on everybody’s hand is a number, and so you pick them out by numbers.” This happens each…and…every…single…day.
Beck describes some of the other encounters he had with children who have been trapped in this vicious cycle of sex trafficking. One young teenager had been in sex slavery longer than she could remember. There was no longer any hope of ever being rescued. “She told us that she had given up because no one cared and everybody made fun of her; and her self-esteem had just gone down to where she had nothing else she felt she could do.” This is the tip of the iceberg. Beck was shown even more of how extensive sex slavery has gotten in Thailand and how deeply it impacts these children. When presented with 111 case files, Beck could only get through eight before having to stop. He couldn’t take anymore.
Beck begins to share about a simple conversation that we so often take for granted in our everyday occurrences. “The little 6-year-old boy that I had lunch with, I asked him how old he was. He didn’t know for sure. I asked him where he was born. He didn’t know. I asked him about his parents. He didn’t know. I stopped asking him questions. He had been taken at such a young age…” And then Beck turns another corner and begins to describe just how horrific these realities are.
“I saw an American pedophile who was buying infants. That was his thing. I met a child, who, as an infant, couldn’t be consoled, a little girl. They finally had to take her to the hospital because she couldn’t be consoled after being ripped from the arms of a pedophile. They found things lodged inside of her.”
Some people, unaware of these realities, may assumingly ask why these children simply don’t run away? Awful acts of savagery are done to these children if they do not make a certain amount of money each day. Beck describes how one young boy met the consequences of not meeting the daily quota. “Eventually his slave master just took an iron to his chest, his back, and his neck.” With tears filling his eyes, Beck shares how this dialogue unfolded. “I sat with him and his legs were all scared, and I just talked to him about what he wants to do when he grows up.” After holding back tears, Beck shares how the boy responded, “he think he’s gonna be a soccer player. He’s gonna play football. I tried to explain to him the difference between football and soccer. He didn’t seem to care or understand.”
Beck wanted to know who is helping these children, other than simply being in an orphanage. He was informed that a therapist comes once a week, for an hour. With emphasis, Beck points out, “One hour, once a week, 56 children.” What is even worse is that the orphanage can’t afford the therapist anymore, and the orphanage is about to close. The cost of a fulltime therapist: 15,000 bot; bot being the Thai currency. The amount behind on the orphanage that is causing them to close: 80,000 bot. “I then asked, ‘how much is 80,000 bot? How much is 15,000 bot? 80,000 bot to keep it open is about $2,300 a month. 15,000 bot is about $200 a month. I told them that we would write the check to keep the orphanage open and to give them $2,000 a month and to hire 2 full-time doctors.” The operation of this orphanage doesn’t solve the problem. Beck points back to the 111 case files that he was originally shown and describes how relevant they are. “These 111 case files are still open, most of these guys are still at-large, and all of them are coming from Germany, Switzerland, France, or America.” There is only so much resources that the Thai authorities have to eradicate these evils. Beck was asked by the authorities, “Please help us catch these bad guys.”
Understanding the stories of the children does not paint the full picture. It is important to understand the other side of the story, of those that are “buying” the children. Beck describes a teacher that he met who would travel to Thailand five times a year. “Operation O.U.R. finally caught him here in America; not over there, abusing the kids, here in America.”
As saddening as these atrocities are, there is hope. There is something that is being done, and there is something that you can do in order to be part of the answer to help these children, to convict those committing these horrible crimes, and bring an end to sexual slavery. You can become an abolitionist. Organizations such as Operation Underground Railroad are part of the spearheading charge that is fighting to bring an end to sex trafficking in the world.
Founder and CEO of Operation Underground Railroad, Tim Ballard, recently traveled to Thailand to give an update on the operations that are taking place. “Hundreds and hundreds of girls and boys are being exploited by thousands of tourists, a lot of them Westerners.” By partnering with local authorities, and their T.I.C.A.C. unit, Thailand Internet Crime Against Children, major advances to stop sex trafficking are taking place. Narin Phethong, Lieutenant Colonel with the Thai Police, expressed how the operations have benefited the training of Thai police. “…we have support from O.U.R on equipment to build a digital forensic center here at the Royal Police Cadet Academy.” He further describes how this center will be used to combat sex trafficking in Thailand. “This digital forensic center is going to be the lab to teach our Cadets and know how to gather digital evidence.” Ballard further explains the use of the technology, “how to be anonymous online and find the places where Americans are coming and chatting, and meeting, sending each other child pornography, and exploiting children…We expect to see a phenomenal increase in the children that can be liberated here in Thailand.”
As Ballard is revealing more and more the horrible atrocities of sex trafficking that are taking place around the world, he has also created a documentary called “The Abolitionists” about the daily operations of Operation Underground Railroad. You can see the trailer, or buy the movie. Not only has Ballard and his team created this striking documentary, but also artists Kenra Lowe and Nik Day created a fabulous performance of the song “Rescue Me” to raise awareness of the sex trafficking realities in the world.
Not only is Thailand receiving overwhelming support from organizations such as Operation Underground Railroad in order to combat sex trafficking, but also the White House has pledged its support to respond to these atrocities.
When recently leading a session on Domestic and International Human Trafficking, President Trump spoke about how America, and his Administration would be responding. “…I am prepared to bring the full force and weight of our government at the federal level, and the other highest levels, whatever we can do, in order to solve this horrific problem.” President Trump brought attention to the truth that these events are not just happening in Thailand. “It’s getting worse and it’s happening in the United States in addition to the rest of the world, but it’s happening in United States, which is terrible.”The President further underscored; “Solving the human trafficking epidemic, which is what it is, is a priority for my Administration.”
Be not only informed about the overwhelming realities that are taking place all over the world, and maybe in your own town, as you hear Glenn Beck share the full details of this riveting journey through the streets of Thailand, and the personal stories of those trapped in sex slavery. But, also be encouraged as you hear how organizations are rising up to respond and bring an end to these atrocities, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: oppression, addiction, bb guns, rape, federal authorities, prayer, technology, computers, donations, Abraham Lincoln, abolish slavery, wealthy, resources, The Pink Room, Cambodia, internet, chat rooms, sexting, Pol Pot, abundance, and support. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
“Solving the human trafficking epidemic is a priority for my Administration” says President Donald Trump

Some may not be aware as to how much of an increasing epidemic sexual slavery has become in the world. As President Trump is responding to so many issues and problems in America, he is also acknowledging and addressing this issue as well.
When recently leading a session on Domestic and International Human Trafficking, President Trump spoke about how America, and his Administration would be responding. “…I am prepared to bring the full force and weight of our government at the federal level, and the other highest levels, whatever we can do, in order to solve this horrific problem.” President Trump brought attention to the truth that these events are not just happening in Thailand. “It’s getting worse and it’s happening in the United States in addition to the rest of the world, but it’s happening in United States, which is terrible.”The President further underscored; “Solving the human trafficking epidemic, which is what it is, is a priority for my Administration.”
Be encouraged as you see and hear the President’s full statements regarding the existence of sex trafficking in the world, as well as in America, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: pedophiles, internet, The Department of Justice, The Department of Homeland Security, crimes, and justice. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.