LISTEN NOW! As multiple prophetic voices have pointed to this year being a breakthrough year for women, we look back and remember how Brigitte Gabriel prophetically described who the next president would be. At the 2015 CPAC Conference she highlighted some attributes about who would model the next Presidency. Her words have appeared to be fully realized in the Trump Administration.
“This is very important. That whoever we’re going to elect is going to be somebody who is strong on national security, who’s going to put America first, who is going to make America great again, who’s going to send a strong message to the world. The minute he walks into office, whoever we elect, that the world is going to realize, that this person, you’re not going to mess with because he could care less about what you think, what the U.N. thinks, what the world thinks…”
This is exactly what President Trump has walked out and clearly demonstrated since he has taken office. Hear more about this pivotal moment in history, see Gabriel expressing these powerful words, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Values Voters Summit and Washington. Greg and John shared in this segment.
screen capture from valuesvotersummit.org
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