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Home » WATCH! President Trump signs Executive Order Standing with HBCU’s; Prophetic Word about Truman and Trump; and Ruby Bridges

President Trump Signs Executive Order Supporting Historic Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s)
It is so encouraging to see President Trump stand up in response to the many pressing issues within our nation. Most recently, President Trump signed the Executive Order for HBCU’s, Historically Black Colleges and Universities. As February comes to a close, a month celebrating African American history, President Trump comments on his plans to respond to the African American Community. “Today, we’re taking action to help make that future happen and that future better. Historically Black Colleges and Universities are incredibly important institutions, woven into the fabric of our history just about like no other.” The President addressed the impact that education has. “Education has the power to uplift. It has the power to transform. And, perhaps most important, education has the power to create greater equality and justice in our lives.” Education plays a critical role in our society, and, as The President reiterates, HBCU’s are critical to the role of African Americans in our society. “They have placed such an important role in achieving progress for African-Americans and in our nation’s march for justice.” He also states, “HBCU’s have been really pillars of the African-American community for more than 150 years-amazing job-and a grand and enduring symbol of America at its absolute best.”

These are such exciting days for America! To see our President stand up for the African American citizen, and the black colleges and universities across our nation. For so long, our nation’s history has been kept separated. Presently, at our universities, our complete history isn’t being taught in the classroom. Our history needs to be merged so that every student gets the full story in order to receive the full understanding of all that has taken place in America. Be lifted up and encouraged as you see the President commenting about HBCU’s, the signing of this important Executive Order, the importance of our nation’s history, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: culture, race, education, and leadership. Greg and John shared in this segment.

PROPHECY! President Trump will do more for the African American than President Clinton or President Obama?
These are such encouraging realities to see the President taking a stand and a voice to issues such as race relations, and equality in America as he did in the recent signing of the Executive Order for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, HBCU’s. It is additionally important to recognize that God does not do anything without revealing it through His prophets. God revealed prophetically to Brianna Bolender in a dream the impact that President Trump would have on the African American community. In this dream, she was walking with President Trump, one of his advisors, and a young African American man, in what appeared to be a large store, like a Sam’s Club. “As we’re going through the aisles, each aisle was an issue. Like taxes and poverty.” She continues to share how, what appeared to be a national poll on past presidents, was at the end of one aisle. “They had done this nationwide poll of something to the effect of ‘what administration did you [the African American Community] feel the most represented or edified’”. As she describes how she saw the results of the poll, she could see the name of Obama overwhelmingly circled. She continues, “you could tell that this poll had been done before because [Bill] Clinton’s name was there and those who had selected [Bill] Clinton before scratched that out and circled Obama”. It was then that the young energetic African American man who had been walking and talking the entire time said this revealing statement. “You see, they felt they were edified or represented by this Administration. But, the truth is, they lost their identity in that Administration.”
It is vital to understand that at the time of the Clinton Administration, Bill Clinton was spoken of as “The First African American President” because of how he responded to the African American Community and how helpful he was. President Obama also focused on a lot of these issues, but it is now being revealed that President Trump is going to be the best out of these three Administrations, when it comes to edifying the African American Community.

God has great plans in store for all the citizens of America. It is vital that we continue to pray for President Trump and his entire Cabinet so that they can respond and edify the African American Community, and all the citizens of America. See the full statements from President Trump, the full details of this recent prophetic dream, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: human services, legacy, justice, equality, oppression, love, division, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment. 

PROPHECY! What Was, Is Again—Trump, Truman, Truth, John Kilpatrick
A tremendous shift has taken place as a new leadership has been established in America; the election of President Donald Trump. In a recent prophetic word delivered through Pastor John Kilpatrick, with Church of His Presence in Daphne, Alabama, what is taking place with President Trump is being compared to what took place when President Truman won his surprising victory over Dewey. As a matter of fact, this is what was declared, “What was-is Again”.
While having a conversation with one of his administrators, Pastor Kilpatrick was suddenly asked a question by the Holy Spirit; “How do you spell Truman?” When Pastor Kilpatrick then spelled out Truman, Holy Spirit then asked him, “How do you spell Trump?” After then spelling out Trump, the Holy Spirit continued to speak to him. “Who did President Truman lean on to help the Jews get back into the Holy Land?” He replied, “General Eisenhower.” The Holy Spirit continued, “I have raised up Trump and have given him generals to lean on to help him defend the Jews and keep them in their land. General Eisenhower brought them in, and these contemporary generals will keep them there. What was, will be again.”
The Holy Spirit then asked another question; “How do you spell truth?” As Pastor Kilpatrick once again spelled out the next word, the Holy Spirit once again responded with more revelation. “The Lord said that He is changing the appetites of people. Instead of rejoicing in rumors and lies, the people will now become excited to hear truth again. They will love the truth and reject the lies, as well as the liars. This will not be true of everyone in every place; but a shift has already happened, and it happened last week. “Truth had fallen in the streets, but I am lifting it up again; and it shall cause great rejoicing. I, the Lord, have done this by My own power, by My right arm of might and by My justice.”

This is so important to recognize. We went for so long, as if the decisions and actions of the previous Administration was insanity. It seemed as though no one cared what truth was anymore. But God is turning the hearts. When God puts a man in place of leadership, who is a friend of Israel, and a friend with the Church, we must stand in support of this leadership. Just as President Truman instantly recognized Israel and supported Israel, President Trump is also recognizing and supporting Israel. We have to stand behind our president with prayer. Hear the entire prophetic word from Pastor John Kilpatrick, truth, application, campaigns, standing with Israel, Greg and John shared in this segment.

Ruby Bridges, an Icon of America’s History, Reveals the Catalyst for Overcoming Racism
Some may not recognize the iconic name of Ruby Bridges that was part of American history. When the integration of schools was taking place in America, a young, 6 year old, Bridges found herself being the first African American student in the a New Orleans school, William Frantz Elementary School. At the time, local politicians had a racist spirit upon them and they didn’t want any African American children to come into the schools with the white children. As unimaginable as that thought is, that is the real history of America.
When Bridges made the historical walk into the elementary school, she was escorted by four U.S. Marshalls as crowds shouted “2-4-6-8 We Don’t Want To Integrate” at her. This moment in our nation’s history is also chronicled in the Norman Rockwell painting The Problem We All Live With”. There are many that could possibly share about what their perspective was of this moment. But, what was it like from 6 year-old, Ruby Bridge’s perspective?
Before Bridges began that fateful walk through the venomous crowd, there was a series of events that took place that set all of this in motion. CBN News reveals an inside look at the events that took place that would forever change Ruby Bridge’s life, and an entire nation. “It had been five years since the U.S. Supreme Court mandated the de-segregation of schools. Now Washington was putting pressure on Louisiana and other states that had yet to comply.” Louisiana had responded in their own way. “In a veiled attempt to appear compliant, city officials in New Orleans gave 150 black kindergartners an entrance exam; one they had no chance of passing. But six of the 150 passed that test, Ruby was one of them.”
In an interview with CBN News, Bridges recounts the details of this iconic 1960 season as if it were yesterday. “So I actually thought that I was so smart that I passed this test that would allow me to go from first grade to college.” On the morning of the first day of school, Ruby and her family were greeted by four U.S. Marshalls that arrived at their home for the sole purpose of escorting Ruby to school. One of the Marshals was Charles Burks. “The main thing was, make sure nothing happened to her. We would tell her, ‘stay close to us, we’ll be alright’”, says Burks about this fateful morning.
Being surrounded by the commotion of it all, Bridges shares, “I thought I’d stumbled into a parade. I actually thought it was Mardis Gras”.  Once inside the building, Bridges shares what happened to the other students. “500 kids walked out of school that day; and I didn’t know what was going on because nobody explained anything to me.” The next morning would not be anything the same as to what happened the day before.
“By the next day, the crowds has doubled. They kept pointing at me and shouting, ‘2-4-6-8 WE DON’T WANT TO INTERGRATE! 2-4-6-8 WE DON’T WANT TO INTEGRATE!” As Burks recounts the memories of that fateful morning, he knew he was walking the right path. “I was in favor of what we were doing. I knew what we were doing was right, and we were going to make sure it happened.” Once she arrived at her classroom, everything was in place…except for the students. It was an empty classroom. The only one there was her teacher, Barbara Henry.
Weeks after starting her new school, Bridges had yet to see any other students. “By the end of the school year, the protests had disbanded and Ruby was finally allowed to meet the other children.” Consumed with excitement and anticipation to meet and play with other children, she promptly introduced herself to a young boy. But, the response she got, was anything but good. He looked at her and said these words, “I can’t play with you. My mom said not to play with you because you’re a nigger.” Bridges perception of the Mardis Gras parade instantly faded. “It’s not Mardis Gras. This isn’t college. It’s about me. It’s about me and the way I look and the color of my skin.”But, as she continues to describe her response, anger was not one her emotions in this moment. “In my mind, that was okay. Yes, he hurt my feelings, but I wasn’t angry with him. Because, I feel like he was explaining to me why he couldn’t play with me.” She continues,
“If my parents said ‘Ruby don’t play with him because he’s Asian, Hispanic, Indian, Muslim, White, Mixed Race, Jewish, Gay, I would not have played with him. I didn’t feel like there was anything to forgive. The fact that, in my mind he was explaining to me, and that I would have done the same thing, it wasn’t like I was angry with him, so there was nothing there to forgive. The fact that when I passed the crowd, I thought it was Mardis Gras, there was nothing there for me to forgive.”
Bridges went on to not only finish school, but also receive her college degree. When it came time for the next generation to start school like she did, as a young 6-year-old, Bridges witnessed the same racism. “Soon after she launched the Ruby Bridges Foundation and began sharing her story with students all over the U.S.”
Bridges highlights the vital reality to understand regarding racism. “Our kids know nothing about racism. It’s us, as adults. We take racism and we pass it on to our kids, and that’s why it’s still around. Each and every one of us come into the world with a clean heart.” She then points to how we are going to overcome racism. “I believe that if we are going to get past our racial differences, even today, it’s gonna come from our kids.” Bridges also shares this encouraging truth, “Out of the Commandments, if you could only keep one, the one you should keep is ‘love thy neighbor’. That is the key. I have to care about you as a person and as a human being. I really believe, the longer I live, that it really has everything to do with love.”
Ruby Bridges is such an elegant and wise woman. The Gulf Coast would be abundantly blessed to have her visit and share her story so that we could learn from her experiences. It is so vital to recognize that we didn’t just get here. There is a history to how we got here. The more we study history, the more we clearly recognize that we all need grace in our lives. When we see the Norman Rockwell painting that captured that fateful morning in 1960, capturing a young 6 year-old walking to school, we no longer see a young African American girl, we see Ruby Bridges. We can now see the significant event it was for our nation to elect its first African American President, Former President Obama. In addition, we can recognize the significance of the moment when the both of them, Former President Obama and Ruby Bridges are standing shoulder to shoulder, in the White House, looking at Norman Rockwell’s painting.

It is exciting to see and know that God has established President Donald Trump to lead America, and do even more, to bring us all together, as everyone matters in America. Be encouraged and edified as you begin to understand the contextual story of history, as well as understand how the events of yesterday have their own ripple effects into today, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: racism, bigotry, integration, desegregation, culture, politics, voting, racial division, and restoration. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Trump Signs Executive Order Supporting Women in S.T.E.M. Industries, Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics
President Donald Trump is focusing on so many different areas in our nation. In his most recent Executive Order, the President is moving in support of women in the S.T.E.M industries, Science. Technology. Engineering. Mathematics. It is a higher paying industry and women should have equal opportunity as men do to excel in these jobs. Paul wrote these impacting words in Galatians 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” His words still ring true today.
This is very important for all of us to recognize, especially as Christians. If a man is getting an opportunity for a high paying job, so should the woman standing to his left or right. President Trump shared these specific words about women in the STEM fields. “Currently, only 1 in every 4 women who gets a STEM degree is working in a STEM job, which is not fair and it’s not even smart for the people that aren’t taking advantage of it. It’s unacceptable that we have so many American women who have these degrees but yet are not being employed in these fields.”

See the full comments and response from the President regarding this important issue, Hidden Figuresthe Movie, NASA, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: equality, gender, and leadership. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Humor: Joyce Meyer sharing the Revealing Differences between Women and Men


For more than 40 years, Joyce Meyer has been a well-known voice in the Body of Christ. As an author of multiple books, as well as being married for more than 50 years, she has some considerable experience to share on the topic of marriage. When she recently visited Elevation Church, she shared a humorous story on the difference between men and women that just may reveal how differently the genders are. Enjoy this heartfelt moment as Meyers talks about the recent construction of the “Husband Store” and the “New Wives Store”, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: jobs, children, romance, and housework. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 



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