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Home » What is Wrong with America? What Can We Do? How do We Respond? A Discussion with Ravi Zacharias and the Church. Part 2

What is Wrong with America? What Can We Do? How do We Respond? A Discussion with Ravi Zacharias and the Church. Part 2


As we continue this important conversation about the realities taking place within America, we again visit the response that George Wood, Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, makes about how there is a discrimination taking place against the Church. He asks this question, “What do you do when you’ve got a systemic discrimination taking place where a faculty will not employ someone who is intellectually capable of any academic trait, but because they have certain views, they are no longer acceptable.” He continues to detail, “So, they are characterized. They are marginalized. They are discriminated against and they are persecuted.”

Ravi Zacharias responds to Wood’s comments by highlighting the importance of his point. “It stymies me that there are evangelical voices today who don’t see how critical this matter is for the future of the unborn and of those who are already in life, whose values and voices are going to be shut down.” It is no difficulty to recognize that we are experiencing times of difficulty and division, but what we must recognize is that we must come together in these times of difficulty and division. Continue Reading…

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