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Home » 2017 is a Breakthrough Year! President Trump Leading the way: Infrastructure Summit, Workforce Development and Air Traffic Control Modernization

2017 is a Breakthrough Year! President Trump Leading the way: Infrastructure Summit, Workforce Development and Air Traffic Control Modernization


LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!)  This is the breakthrough year! It is so exciting to see prophecy come to pass. As the Trump Administration continues to make more and more changes in Washington D.C., we are seeing continual breakthroughs in many different industries across the nation. President Trump has gathered mayors, governors, and tribal leaders for an Infrastructure Summit. He traveled to Wisconsin for a Workforce Development Round-table. Vice President Mike Pence sat down with women entrepreneurs to listen to the damaging effects of Obamacare on their businesses; and President Trump has announced the Air Traffic Control Reform Initiative. This truly is the BREAKTHROUGH YEAR!
As President Trump held an Infrastructure Summit at the White House. He invited mayors, governors, as well as tribal leaders to find out what needs to be done to solve the many problems of America’s infrastructure. As the President shares, “Today, we’re here to talk about how we will create the infrastructure of the future, by partnering with the states and local governments.” The President understands that it is these men and women local leaders that knows best what needs to be updated throughout our nation. President Trump’s Infrastructure Plan has multiple areas of focus: “lower the average permit time, from 10 years to 2 years and unleash Private Sector capital & expertise to rebuild our cities and states” as well as other key points. 
The President is not simply calling for change in all areas of the nation from Washington D.C., he is personally visiting specific areas where he is expecting these changes to be implemented. He traveled to Wisconsin to meet with Governor Scott Walker and industry workers for a Workforce Development Round-table
What is additionally encouraging is that the Trump Administration is not simply calling for change, but are deeply interested in how the existing laws, from the previous administration, are affecting America’s citizens. Vice President Pence sat down with Women Entrepreneurs to find out how Obamacare was affecting their businesses, with double digit increases in costs for their benefits. As Vice President Pence talks with Kelly Moore, owner of Eastern Ohio’s GKM Auto Parts, she shares in detail how, due to the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, she was no longer able to provide insurance benefits to her employees.
“It was gut-wrenching to tell them that I was ending their benefit of insurance. And they are decent people who work hard for us, and we appreciate their good talents.”
This didn’t happen overnight. Moore did all she could to think creatively so that benefits were still an option before the inevitable became reality, cutting benefits all together. “We did try by splitting the premium maybe 20 at the beginning; 70-30, 60-40. We also dropped spousal coverage. We’ve made efforts to make it affordable, but they no longer have the premiums or the deductibles that they could afford with the amount that they were paying.” Moore’s experience isn’t unique, as Vice President Pence noticed the empathetic nodding from other business owners as Moore shared her story.
Amy Pope-Wells, owner of Link Staffing Services in Jacksonville, Florida, shared a similar story, and how mandates from Obamacare were directly affecting her business. “We had clients, which I never even envisioned being a problem, who refused to start doing business with us because under the regulation we were required to list ACA charges on our invoices.” She continued to elaborate on why the customers were against it. “And those clients said, we did not vote for it. We did not want it. We do not appreciate it.” She also shared how the changes effects of Obamacare caused her to get into the benefits industry in order to understand how it was affecting her employees. But then the quagmire of the rules and regulations started, “We found ourselves having to spend – everybody in our office spending time on benefits management, medical procedures being denied, people not understanding the rules or the processes. We got into the insurance business. We physically had to learn how to educate and support our team, and we’re not in the insurance business.” There is an urgent need to remove and replace Obamacare. It’s not true what is being said about the Affordable Care Act, that it meets the needs of Americans. We can see clearly from these two testimonies that it is anything but that.
President Trump has also recognized the dire need for change and reform to come to the airline industry. As many traveling Americans can understand, wait times in airports and delayed arrivals have become normal. Those within the Air Traffic Control community, and pilots themselves also understand the need for change. As President Trump recently announced the Air Traffic Control Reform Initiative, there are many areas that are being transformed in this industry. As the President calls for fewer wait times, and flights that arrive on time, he describes how this will happen.
“Since the early days of commercial air service, the federal government has owned and operated the United States air traffic control system. Yet, more than a half a century later, the government is still using much of the exact same outdated technology.” The GPS’s that have become commonplace in our cellphones, are not even in the planes that we travel on. The President continues to elaborate; “…our air traffic control system still runs on radar and ground-based radio systems that they don’t even make anymore, they can’t even fix anymore, and many controllers must use slips of paper to track our thousands and thousands of planes that are up in the air.”
What is additionally shocking is the lack of updates within the technology of our airports compared to the overwhelming increase of air travel since it was first announced. “Our air traffic control system was designed when roughly 100,000 people flew at our airports each year. We are now approaching nearly one billion passengers annually.” No longer will the FAA be over each of these areas, but will be overseen by private non-profits so that the FAA can focus solely upon safety.


It is encouraging to see our leadership taking the interactive and involved role and making so many changes that are needed in our nation. See the full story to see what has taken place regarding our infrastructure, with Wisconsin workers, with Women Entrepreneurs, our Air Traffic Control system, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: labor, technology, unions, Obamacare, The Affordable Care Act, Governor Scott Walker, Vice President Mike Pence, insurance benefits, Women Entrepreneurs, Small Business Association, Air Traffic Control, Federal Aviation Administration, and reform. Greg shared in this segment. 

screen capture from youtube.com/The White House


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