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Prophecy – Revival Coming to Cuba


During the 1950’s and 1960’s the nation of Cuba was under oppressive leadership at the hands of Fidel Castro. During this time people were very poor, and the Church was ordered that they could not build any buildings. What was the Church to do in a time like this? One may think that the growth in the Church was slow to grow, if any. On the contrary, the Church in Cuba has experienced massive growth. When one missionary visited, he shared this, “Since they didn’t have to focus on building a church or having a property, they were free to just go ahead, and evangelize and start meeting in someone else’s home…There’s simply not the money to pursue entertainment, hobbies or other pursuits that would pull them from the Gospel……. That is one of the reasons that church members spend so much time in church activities. They can spend more time evangelizing their neighbors because they’re not distracted by a lot of material goods…” Continue Reading…

Courtesy of Kamir/shutterstock.com

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