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Home » Age is nothing but a number: You’re Never too Young or too Old Follow God with ALL Your Heart

Age is nothing but a number: You’re Never too Young or too Old Follow God with ALL Your Heart


In 1906, a move of God shook the world that is now known as “The Azusa Street Revival”. What many may not know is that one of the significant characteristics of what God did during this time, was the involvement of young people. There is no baby Holy Spirit. God can touch young people just as powerfully as He can those who are older. When confident 10 year old gripped the microphone and began sharing the words upon his heart, he gripped the very audience that listened to his words. “I stand here before you as a 10 year old child. I stand here before you as an uprising sixth grade student. But most of all I stand here before you as a Christian. I stand here before you as a God-fearing young man…” Continue Reading…

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