As each new generationis born into this world, there is more and more technology to be interacted with. Regardless of who we are, we want our lives to make an impact. Nevertheless, Jesus commands us to GO and make disciples. According to George Barna, “95% of American Christians will not lead one person to their Lord in their entire lifetime”. Is this true of the Z-Generation?
As CBN shares, the millennial generation has lower “scores” than previous generations in regards to faith. “According to research, this generation scores low on attending church, praying, and making religion a priority.” Contrary to these suspected reports, the millennials have the greatest perspective of global missions. Director of Urbana15, Tom Lin, shares, “This generation is the most globally engaged generation we’ve seen. They are the most cross-culturally prepared generation.” It is this very perspective that makes them ready to reach the world for Christ. Lin continues, “They are so globally engaged already, I think they are ready to answer the call to missions, to go.” Continue Reading…
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