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Home » You are Called to Be a GAME CHANGER in Society! Right Where You Live, Work, and Play: Kingdom Impact

You are Called to Be a GAME CHANGER in Society! Right Where You Live, Work, and Play: Kingdom Impact


When we think of the word “game changer”, we understand that everything is new; nothing is as it was. Every single person in The Body of Christ is called to be a Game Changer. God has called us to go out into ALL of the world and make disciples. Where ever we find ourselves in our everyday life, we can be making an impact for The Kingdom.

 Founder and Director of Jesus Culture, Banning Liebscher, recently shared about we can see all of ourselves as a Game Changer. In order to see ourselves as one, we have to understand what exactly it is. We can look throughout the lives of those described in the Bible and see how the Lord used them to change the very situations that they were a part of. Liebscher emphasizes, “I believe that God is raising up a generation that He is sending into cities and nations, and I think the game is about to change in the nations of the Earth because of who God is raising up.” When we think of these powerful statements, our present mindsets within the Church think that one can only impact the Kingdom when standing behind a pulpit. This is simply not true. Continue Reading…


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