God has given each and every one of us a voice that we can use to voice to others what is important to us. It is very encouraging to see others use the platform that God gives them to share positive values. When singer Joy Villa recently attended the Grammy’s, she used the opportunity of the red carpet to express her beliefs of pro-life. Some may wonder how she accomplished this by simply walking down the red carpet.
When Villa spoke with Fox & Friends, she shares that, “last night I wore my dress…it showed a picture of a fetus, and this painting I painted on my dress; it’s one that I painted ten years ago and I recreated it on my dress.” Not only did her dress express her values of being pro-life, but also her handbag. “My purse, this is the purse that says, ‘Choose Life’. So, I chose to represent a choose life, pro-life message on the Grammy’s red carpet.” Villa continues to share her personal story of how she gave up her child for adoption that caused her to be pro-life. “I really wanted to show my values on that carpet…”
This is such a powerful display as so many want to show off their bodies at this moment; Villa wants to show off life. Life is such an important topic. Scientific studies are already beginning to confirm that what is in a mother’s womb is much more than ‘tissue,’ but in fact life. Generations from now, people will look back on the horrifying realities of abortion the same we look at slavery. There was a day that people reasoned that slavery was acceptable. Today, people are doing the same regarding abortion. Does this matter encourage you to know that celebrities are standing up for life? Share your thoughts with us. We want to hear from you. See the full conversation about the importance of life, the power of your vote, the nations throughout the world that perform abortions, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Joy Villa, Fox & Friends, slavery, abortion, pro-life, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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