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Home » The Lord is doing His best to Wake up America ONE MORE TIME-Perry Stone

The Lord is doing His best to Wake up America ONE MORE TIME-Perry Stone



Perry Stone shares a prophetic word concerning pockets of revival that are coming. “The Lord is doing his best to wake up America, One More Time; One More Time. He does this because He loves this country…You’re going to see, as men speak of pockets of selective judgment, so likewise, there is pockets of selective revival. Areas where people will pray and pray, and worship and worship, until the Glory, is seen…it will not be the type of meeting that will get attention from Coast to Coast, but in that region, and with those people, the town will know that there is a visitation from Heaven going on, and it will be known as the Rural Revival.”

You want to be in the pocket that has been prophesied about! It is time to prepare for this time that is coming and to be ready! Watch or listen to hear the full prophetic word from Perry Stone. Also shared in this segment: cities, mountains, robbing, looting, stealing, fear, and Prudent Preparation. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of AndyDeanPhotography/Shutterstock.com

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