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The Final Division: A Great Harvest of Souls Amidst the Rise of Evil, Shawn Ryan and Tucker Carlson

“A Massive Wave of Christianity is Coming.” Shawn Ryan


Screenshot from Shawn Ryan | YouTube

As we navigate the complexities of our world, it becomes increasingly clear that we are witnessing a significant shift in the spiritual landscape. In a recent conversation between Shawn Ryan and Tucker Carlson, both commentators observed a profound and growing divide between good and evil, a divide that seems to herald both a great harvest of souls and an unsettling rise in darkness.

The Cooling of Cultural Battles: A Prelude to Spiritual Conflict

Shawn Ryan began by noting that some of the most heated cultural conflicts—race issues, gender debates, and the controversies surrounding movements like Black Lives Matter and Antifa—seem to be losing their intensity. “It seems to me that we’re approaching the final division,” Ryan observed. As these cultural battles cool off, what remains is a deeper, more fundamental clash that transcends societal issues. According to Ryan, this shift signals the onset of a more profound spiritual struggle.

End Time Wave, Harvest

Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

“The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’

“‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’

The wave Ryan and Tucker are seeing, Jesus said, would happen as the end approached.  “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. “Let both [good and evil, wheat and tears] grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.””  Matthew 13:24-30

A Wave of Christianity and a Surge of Satanism

Amid this cooling of cultural tensions, Ryan sees something far more significant: “What I’m seeing—and maybe this is just because I’m interested in it—is a massive wave of Christianity coming, and you’re also seeing a massive wave of Satanism.” This dual rise suggests that as many are turning towards faith, others are increasingly drawn to darkness. This sharp divergence is not just a passing trend but rather a sign of the final division that Ryan senses is upon us.

Tucker Carlson echoed these sentiments, sharing his personal experience of an overwhelming feeling that “there’s some form of religious revival coming.” Despite his conventional approach to life, Carlson was struck by a powerful, almost prophetic sense that a spiritual awakening is on the horizon. He mentioned that even his secular friends have noticed this shift, indicating that this spiritual undercurrent is palpable across different segments of society.

The Rise of Evil: A Darkening World

As the light of faith seems to grow stronger, so too does the darkness. Ryan pointed to the alarming rise in evil, particularly the increase in pedophilia, sex trafficking, and human trafficking. “The U.S. is the number one consumer of child pornography on the planet,” he stated, highlighting the stark reality of the moral decay around us. This escalating evil seems to be driving the forces of good and evil further apart, making the spiritual divide more evident than ever before.

A Sense of the End: Moving Toward Something Big

Both Ryan and Carlson expressed a shared feeling that we are heading towards something monumental. Carlson mentioned the increasing number of people bringing him literature on the end times, underscoring a collective sense that history is reaching a critical juncture. “I think history ends. I think we all sort of sense history ends. But it’s also really clear that we don’t know when it ends,” Carlson mused. Despite the uncertainty of the timing, there is a strong sense that we are approaching the culmination of this spiritual battle.

The Spiritual Divide: A Call to Choose Sides

In conclusion, the conversation between Ryan and Carlson paints a vivid picture of a world on the brink of a significant spiritual reckoning. As the final division approaches, the lines between good and evil are becoming more defined. This is not just a time of great turmoil but also a time of great opportunity—a harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God. The rise of Christianity amidst this darkness suggests that many are being drawn towards the light, even as others are pulled into the depths of evil.

In these times, the choice between light and darkness becomes more urgent. As the divide grows, it is clear that we are all being called to choose sides in what may be the final, decisive battle for the soul of humanity.


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