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WATCH! Revival Coming to North Korea, Bamboo Curtain Down, Singapore Summit Just the Beginning


Revival Coming to North Korea, Bamboo Curtain Down, Singapore Summit Just the Beginning 

Great things are taking place in North Korea and Pastor John Kilpatrick, with Church of His Presence, shared an encouraging prophetic word in 2017 concerning North Korea. We review the word reminding us what is and what will take place in North Korea. “My people have been desolated, and they have suffered greatly. I am going to cause the news of fresh visitation to spread quickly. Yes, God is visiting His people once again…I am going to begin to move mightily in closed nations and closed societies.” People have been held captive for years in North Korea. And in recent events, great actions are taking place in that country. Also, Hank Kunneman shares a prophetic word on the Sid Roth Supernatural Show, that God gave him this year, 2018, how the bamboo curtain is coming down. “What has been underground shall come above ground. That is why the enemy wants to bring a natural war over Korea to hinder and to preempt something, but God is trying to hold it back so that we can get to the harvest and get this bamboo curtain shredded and down and this domino to begin to fall off North Korea.”

Why are these things taking place? Because God is allowing it to happen and now peace seems to be coming to North Korea. In recent events, President Donald Trump met with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un to sign the Denuclearization Agreement. We see the amazing event of the two leaders shaking hands at the Singapore Summit which seems to be what was shown in the prophetic words previously shared, that the bamboo curtain is coming down and that God is moving in this closed nation! Another amazing event in North Korea is that they are now taking down their Anti-American propaganda, according to the New York Times. Where previously an America, Otto Warmbier, was taken as a prisoner for 17 months because he tore down a propaganda poster. When he was released and brought back to the states, unfortunately, he died within a few days. Otto tore down the first poster, and now reportedly much of the remaining propaganda posters are being pulled down. It is amazing to see the difference in the events that are taking place in this nation than what we saw just a few months ago.

We also peek inside North Korea as Nick, with Indigo Traveler, shows us what the people and nations look like. You must watch the program to see it! Please also follow Indigo Traveler! He has traveled in 54 countries and four continents. Nick shows us a new perspective of North Korea and its capital, Pyongyang. He takes us into the metro system, shows the people going about their lives, and gives us a view of the statues of the leaders of the nation. Make sure to watch the program to get a view of what has been a closed nation.

Let us continue to pray for the nation of North Korea and for the freedom to come to the Koreans and for the salvation of Kim Jong-Un. God has good things in store for North Korea! We want to hear from you. Also shared in this segment: Revival, Secret Kingdom, Sanctions, Exporting Goods, GDP, Population. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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