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Home » President Trump and America’s CEOs’ Pledge to Help the American Worker; Jobs, Training, and Apprenticeships; Over 4 Million Jobs

President Trump and America’s CEOs’ Pledge to Help the American Worker; Jobs, Training, and Apprenticeships; Over 4 Million Jobs



It is exciting to see America’s CEOs’ come together along with President Donald Trump and for them to pledge to provide over 4 million jobs! We hear President Trump’s remarks concerning this amazing pledge of jobs and the miracle economic growth.

“As a country, we have never been more successful than as we are exactly right now, today. The numbers coming out are beyond what anyone ever thought possible. And so there has never been a better time to hire and grow in America. We have created 3.7 million jobs since the election, in the month of June alone we grew the workforce by more than 600,000 workers…we are in the longest positive job growth streak in American history.” He continues to share how minorities unemployment is at some of the lowest numbers in American history! “Consumer and business confidence has reached all-time highs, the highest ever recorded…a lot of good things are happening out there…to continue this economic miracle, and that is what it is, a miracle, what’s happened in the last year and a half, we must invest in job training and vocational education.”

President Trump remarks on the executive order he signed establishing the National Council for the American Worker which will have top officials across the government. He also talks about how the Trump administration is establishing an outside advisory board of industry leaders which will be started soon as well. “Together their task will be to develop a national workforce and strategy to equip Americans of all ages and all stages of their career with the skills they need to thrive in modern economy…I am proud to announce the beginning of a new national movement. We are asking businesses and organizations across the country to sign our new Pledge to America’s Workers. Today 23 companies and associations are pledging to expand apprenticeships…for on the job training and vocational education. They will sign the pledge committing to train and retrain, more than 3.8 million American students and workers.”

The previous administration in America was hopeless when it came to jobs, and their answer was to put more people on the government till. It seemed so hopeless like there wouldn’t be any jobs. Now we see this miracle as President Trump called the economy, an economic miracle which we know this is all God’s doing! Hope and jobs are coming back to America! One of the workers who is going through vocational education shares her reason for why she is going through the program. Jonita McNair, is receiving vocational education with the American Hotel, and Lodging Associations gives her remarks, “31 years in the hospitality industry has been good to me. So, my motivation is to be good to my generation that is following me. My grandson came to me after his father was murdered and he said, ‘I’m not going to have a role model.’ Yes, you will, I can’t teach you how to be a man, but I can lead you in the right direction.” Where the enemy tried to come in to destroy this family, she is now being blessed and will be able to lead the next generation down the right path. Don’t allow ridicule or tragedy to take you out of your destiny.

As we see the CEOs’ come together, we hear from the Aerospace Industries Association who pledges 48,000 jobs in the next five years. American Hotel and Lodging Association pledged to 130,000 new opportunities. There were more CEOs’ and businesses pledging to thousands of jobs. Wealth transfer has been prophesied that it is coming because the billion-soul harvest that is coming. Greg has been teaching on Wealth Transfer at the VFN Dream Center, and you can request your copy of the teaching at Vine Fellowship Network. God doesn’t mind blessing you if He can get it through you. Prosperity without God brings destruction. Many are not able to be blessed because they don’t have the character or integrity to handle the blessings. We can choose to prepare for the wealth transfer and be ready to pour the wealth into the Kingdom of God! Make sure to watch or listen to hear the full segment. We want to hear from you; you can email us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of youtube.com White House

President Trump Hosts the Pledge to America’s Workers Event
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