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Small Business is Winning Again America, Linda McMahon, Small Business Administration



Small business is winning again in America, and we now have more jobs available than people looking for a job! Only God can do these great things that are happening! Linda McMahon Administrator of Small Business Administration is interviewed by Fox Business concerning the success of small businesses now in America. “It is amazing what tax cuts have done and how it has stimulated the economy.” This is so important because the currency needs to flow in America and not just to be stacked up in the government. This is the only way for America’s economy to thrive. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said, Socialism works until you run out of other people’s money.” That means for the government to pay for everything, you would be living off someone else’s money, not your own. We were designed to work and be creative.

Reportedly in Florida, 80% of all new hires are done by small businesses. Administrator McMahon continues, “For the first time, we have more jobs than we have people looking for them with employment down to 3.8%. I do hear from small businesses that they are having problems finding skilled workers.” She is working with the Secretary of Education and the Secretary of Labor to help people by organizing programs in community college and tech schools so that people will be ready to work in the private sector. There are also many Christian companies growing, and as believers, we must make sure that we are supporting those businesses.

In previous years there were so many regulations restricting American businesses which caused many people not to pursue owning their own business or to give up their business. It was very oppressive and costly. But now with President Donald Trump in office, he has done away with so many regulations. Administrator McMahon shares the number of regulations that have been cut. This is a great victory for small businesses. “What I have heard more and more is about the amount of regulations that small business had to comply with. But now having rolled back a lot of that they can spend more time on their businesses and growing their businesses than they do now having to comply with regulations…the president has said he is just getting started…for every one (regulation) they had to roll back two but actually did twenty-two.” Twenty-two for every one regulation has been rolled back! The many restrictions were about controlling us, but that is changing!

It is amazing to see these positive changes happening in America and how much opportunity that is available. This is just the beginning! We want to hear from you, and you can email us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment. 

Screenshot courtesy of youtube.com Fox Business

Linda McMahon on the state of small business in America 
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