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Home » Elon Musk Discusses Whether Humans are Really Here or Are We in a Computer Simulation?

Elon Musk Discusses Whether Humans are Really Here or Are We in a Computer Simulation?



Elon Musk, who is the CEO of TESLA Motors and co-creator of Pay Pal speaks at the Code Conference and is asked if we are currently living in a simulation. Most people at this conference are very smart, and some including Elon are thinking that we humans truly live in a simulation. Elon says he has had so many conversations concerning artificial intelligence and living in a simulation that he has banned that conversation from certain places, so he can take time to relax. Elon responds to the question, “There is a one in billions chance that this is base reality…arguably we should hope that that’s true because if civilization stops advancing that may be due some calamites event that erases a civilization. So, maybe we should be hopeful that this is a simulation… either we’re going to create simulations that are indistinguishable from reality, or civilization will cease to exist. Those are the two options.” Elon says he hopes we are living in a simulation.

The reality is that it is painful to have a relationship with people. Simulations have been created to replace those relationships including social media. We are living in real life, and we should be living that way. The difference between all this simulation and fake things is that our God is real! We can move in the power that God has given us when we are believers. There is no way we can advance God’s Kingdom if we do not move in power! We can have faith and move in power because we know that our God is real! This is very encouraging and make sure to listen or watch the full segment. We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. John and Steve shared in this segment.

Screenshot courtesy of youtube.com Recode

Is life a video game? | Elon Musk | Code Conference 2016
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