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Home » Israel’s P.M. Netanyahu Rips the Lid Off Iran’s Secret Atomic Warehouse; You can google the address

Israel’s P.M. Netanyahu Rips the Lid Off Iran’s Secret Atomic Warehouse; You can google the address




America is friends with Israel again! Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu has been a source of hope and encouragement when he has spoken in the past and the present. He is now addressing the General Debate, 73rd session 2018 at the United Nations. The United Nations was originally established to help protect the Jews from being persecuted! We know that the U.N. has not stopped the persecution that Israel and the Jews have been facing. Now with the Trump Administration and Ambassador Nikki Haley, the persecution of Jews in the U.N. is not being allowed! We are thankful for the renewed friendship between Israel and America and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Prime Minister Netanyahu shares with the people gathered the dangers of Iran and exposes a secret atomic warehouse that Israel recently uncovered. “When I spoke here three years ago Israel stood alone among the nations. Of the nearly 200 countries that sit in this hall, only Israel openly opposed the nuclear deal with Iran. We oppose it because it threatens our future, even our very survival. We opposed it because the deal paved Iran’s path to a nuclear arsenal. And by lifting the sanctions, it fueled Iran’s campaign of carnage and conquest throughout the Middle East. We oppose it because the deal was based on a fundamental lie that Iran is not seeking to develop nuclear weapons.

“Now, Israel exposed that lie earlier this year. Last February, Israel conducted a daring raid on Iran’s secret atomic archive. We obtained over 100,000 documents and videos that had been stashed in vaults in an innocent-looking building in the heart of Tehran. In May, I presented a short summary of what we obtained to the international media. I provided hard evidence of Iran’s plans to build nuclear weapons and its plans to deceive the international community. Israel shared this information and more damning evidence that we found with members of the P5+1 and with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Months have passed, the IAEA has still not taken any actions. It has not posed a single question to Iran. It has not demanded to inspect a single new site discovered in that secret archive.

“So, given this inaction, I decided to reveal today something else that we have shared with the IAEA and with a few intelligence agencies. What I’m about to say has not been shared publicly before. Today I’m disclosing for the first time that Iran has another secret facility in Tehran. A secret atomic warehouse for storing massive amounts of equipment and material for Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program.

“In May we exposed the site of Iran’s secret atomic archive. It’s right here in the Shurabad District of Tehran. Today I’m revealing the site of a second facility: Iran’s secret atomic warehouse. It’s right here, in the Turkuzahbad District of Tehran. Just three miles away.” He shows the site on a map, and it looks like a normal building. Now for those of you at home using Google Earth, this no longer a secret atomic warehouse. You have the coordinates; you can try to get there…This is the second secret site. Now countries with satellite capabilities may notice some increased activity on the alley in the days and weeks ahead. The people they see scurrying back and forth are Iranian officials desperately trying to finish the job of cleaning up that site. Because you see, since we raided the atomic archive they’ve been busy cleaning up the atomic warehouse. Just last month they removed 15 kilograms of radioactive material. You know what they did with it? Those 15 kilograms of radioactive material, they had to get it out of this site, so they took it out, and they spread it around Tehran in an effort to hide the evidence. The endangered residents of Tehran may want to know that they can buy a Geiger Counter on Amazon for only $29.99. They took this radioactive material and spread it around Tehran. Now the Iranian officials cleaning out that site still have a lot of work to do because they’ve had at least 15 ship containers, they’re gigantic, 15 ship containers full of nuclear-related equipment and material stored there. Now since each of those containers can hold 20 tons of material, this means that this site contained as much as 300 tons of nuclear-related equipment and material.” He shows the site on a map.

“Why did Iran keep a secret atomic archive and a secret atomic warehouse? Because after all, when South Africa and Libya, when they gave up their nuclear programs the first thing they did was to destroy both the archives and the material and equipment. And the answer to the question is simple: The reason Iran didn’t destroy its atomic archive and its atomic warehouse is because it hasn’t abandoned its goal to develop nuclear weapons. In fact, it planned to use both of these sites in a few years when the time would be right to break out the atom bomb. But ladies and gentlemen, rest assured, that won’t happen. It won’t happen because what Iran hides Israel will find.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I have a message to the head of the IAEA, Mr. Yukiya Amano. I believe he’s a good man.  I believe he wants to do the right thing. Well Mr. Amano, do the right thing. Go inspect this atomic warehouse. Immediately. Before the Iranians finish clearing it out…Well, how about inspections right here, right now? And Mr. Amano, while you’re at it, inspect the other sites we told you about. Once and for all, tell the world the truth about Iran.

“Now I also have a message today for the tyrants of Tehran. Israel knows what you’re doing, and Israel knows where you’re doing it. Israel will never let a regime that calls for our destruction to develop nuclear weapons. Not now, not in ten years, not ever. And Israel will do whatever it must do to defend itself against Iran’s aggression. We will continue to act against you in Syria. We will act against you in Lebanon. We will act against you in Iraq. We will act against you whenever, and wherever. We must act to defend our state and to defend our people. Distinguished delegates, three years ago, a few weeks after the nuclear deal was completed I asked this question from this very podium: Does anyone seriously believe that flooding Iran’s radical theocracy with weapons and cash will curb its appetite for aggression..But many of the deal’s supporters believed just that. They believed that Iran’s regime will become more moderate, more peaceful. They believed that Iran would use the billions of dollars it received in sanctions relief to improve the lives of its people. To solve the water problem. To solve the trucking problem. To solve the electricity problem. Hospitals, schools. That’s what they believed. Perhaps some of you also believed in that. Well, that didn’t happen. Instead, Iran used the money to fuel its vast war machine. Just this past year Iran has attacked Kurds in Iraq, slaughtered Sunnis in Syria, armed Hezbollah in Lebanon, financed Hamas in Gaza, fired missiles into Saudi Arabia and threatened freedom of navigation in the straits of Hurmuz and the Strait of Bab al-Mad.

“Some peace. Some moderation. Now if you think, if you think that Iran’s aggression has been confined to the Middle East think again. Last month two Iranian agents were arrested for plotting terror attacks right here, in the United States. And several weeks ago, Iranian agents were arrested for plotting terror attacks in the heart of Europe. Yet, while the U.S. is confronting Iran with new sanctions, Europe and others are appeasing Iran by trying to help it bypass those new sanctions.

“Now I’ve just used a word. A tough word. A very strong word. Appeasement. And I use it reluctantly. But unfortunately, that’s exactly what we’re seeing again. In Europe. Think about this. The same week Iran was caught red-handed trying to murder European citizens, European leaders were rolling out the red carpet for President Rouhani, promising to give Iran even more money. I’m a historian’s son; I have to ask, I ask it not merely as a historian’s son, as a Jew, as a citizen of the world, as someone who has lived through the 20th century. Have these European leaders learned nothing from history? Will they ever wake up? Well we in Israel, we don’t need a wakeup call because Iran threatens us every day. Because despite the best of hopes and there were many hopes around the nuclear deal, this deal did not push war further away. It brought war ever closer to our borders. In Syria, Iran has tried to establish permanent military bases against us and has already launched missiles and drones into our territory. In Gaza, Iran is arming terror groups to launch rocket attacks into our cities and terror attacks against our civilians. In Lebanon, Iran is directing Hezbollah to build secret sites to convert inaccurate projectiles into precision-guided missiles. Missiles that can target deep inside Israel within an accuracy of ten meters…Hezbollah is deliberately using the innocent people of Beirut as human shields. They’ve placed three of these missile conversion sites along Beirut’s international airport. Here’s a picture that’s worth a thousand missiles.” He shows a picture of a map of Beirut’s International Airport along with a soccer stadium close by showing that those are the locations of missile sites. “So, I have a message for Hezbollah today: Israel knows, Israel also knows what you’re doing. Israel knows where you’re doing it. And Israel will not let you get away with it.

“Let’s see what happened to Iran’s economy now that President Trump has forced companies to choose between doing business with Iran and doing business with the U.S., whose GDP is fifty times the size of Iran’s GDP. A year ago, Iran’s economy was booming. Now it’s collapsing. Iran’s currency is plummeting. Inflation and unemployment are soaring. British airlines, German banks, French oil companies, Japanese oil importers and many others are scrambling to get out.

“The deal’s supporters were also wrong when they argued that restoring sanctions would rally the Iranian people around the regime. Well, they’re definitely rallying, but not around the regime, they’re rallying against the regime. They’re not chanting ‘Death to America.’ They’re chanting ‘Death to the Dictator.’ They’re not chanting ‘Export the Islamic Revolution,’ they’re chanting ‘Leave Syria,’ ‘Leave Lebanon,’ ‘Leave Gaza,’ ‘Take Care of Us, in Iran.’ I listened to these protests. I talked to the Iranian people. I share these videos. And I get so many responses. From Iranians! At first, I thought these are Iranian exiles in the safety of London or Paris or Los Angeles. No. Iranians from Iran, embracing Israel, criticizing the regime, that’s an understatement, with their names. And I ask my intelligence people: What’s going on? And shortly after the protests broke out, not because of what I said but it was an indicator of something extraordinary that was taking place there because in these protests the Iranian people are showing unbelievable courage. From the urban centers to the outlying villages, and it’s embracing now the whole of Iran. From the striking Bazaar merchants to the young women uncovering their hair; the people of Iran are bravely standing up to a regime that has brutally repressed them for four decades, and that has squandered their money, still squanders their money, in bloody wars across the Middle East.

“So, here’s what I say to Europe’s leaders and to others: Instead of coddling Iran’s dictators, join the U.S. and Israel and most of the Arab world in supporting new sanctions against a regime that endangers all of us in all of the world.

“Israel is deeply grateful to President Trump for his bold decision to withdraw from the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran. Many, many of our Arab neighbors are also grateful. And everyone who cares about the peace and security of the world should also be grateful…This may surprise you, but I have to admit that the Iran deal has had one positive consequence, an unintended one but a positive consequence, by empowering Iran, it brought Israel and many Arab states closer together than ever before in an intimacy and friendship that I have not seen in my lifetime and would have been unimaginable a few years ago. And you know, when you form friendships around a threat, around a challenge, you quickly see opportunities. Not only for security but how to bring a better life for our people, which Israel can help and wants to help do.

“I look forward to working with President Trump and his peace team to achieve that goal…I want to use this opportunity to express Israel’s appreciation to President Trump and Ambassador Haley for the unwavering support they’ve provided Israel at the United Nations. They have unequivocally backed Israel’s right to defend itself. They rightly pulled out of a history-denying UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) and a morally bankrupt U.N. Human Rights Council. They have more resolutions about Israel than the rest of the world combined, I think. And tenfold compared to, I don’t know, Iran, Syria, you name it. Not even tenfold, because you can’t multiply zero by any number. They stopped funding, President Trump and Ambassador Haley; they stopped funding an unreformed UNRWA, (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) an organization that instead of solving the Palestinian refugee problem, perpetuates it. Day after day, the Trump administration has stood up to what has long been a specialty here at the U.N., slandering Israel.

“Even though the shameful resolution comparing Zionism to racism was repealed 25 years ago, I’m sorry to say that its foul stench still clings to these halls. Israel airlifted Ethiopian Jews to freedom and a new life in Israel, in the Jewish state. Yet here at the U.N., here at the U.N., Israel is absurdly accused of racism. Israel’s Arab citizens vote in our elections, serve in our parliament, preside over our courts, and have exactly the same individual rights as all other Israeli citizens. Yet here at the U.N., Israel is shamefully accused of apartheid. Today, there are at least five times as many Palestinians as there were in 1948, the year of Israel’s founding. Yet here at the U.N., Israel is outrageously accused of ethnic cleansing. It’s the same old anti-Semitism with a brand-new face. That’s all it is. Once, it was the Jewish people that were slandered and held to a different standard. Today, it’s the Jewish state that is slandered and held to a different standard…But when Israel is called racist, Israel is called racist for making Hebrew its official language, and the Star of David its national flag, when Israel is labeled an apartheid state for declaring itself the nation-state of the Jewish people, this is downright preposterous.

“And you know why? Because represented in this hall today are more than 100 countries that have only one official language, even though many other languages are commonly spoken within those countries. There are more than 50 countries here that have crosses or crescents on their flags, even though they have many non-Muslims and non-Christians, many of them, living in their midst. And there are dozens of countries that define themselves as nation states of a particular people, even though there are many ethnic and national minorities within their borders. None of those countries are denigrated or libeled for celebrating their unique national identity. Only Israel is denigrated. Only Israel is libeled.

“Moments ago, President Abbas outrageously said that Israel’s Nation-State Law proves that Israel is a racist, apartheid state. President Abbas, you should know better. You wrote a dissertation denying the Holocaust. Your Palestinian Authority imposes death sentences on Palestinians for selling land to Jews. Did you hear that? If a Jew buys an apartment, a piece of land anywhere in the Palestinian territories, the Palestinian who sold him that land is executed. That’s what the law says. President Abbas, you proudly pay Palestinian terrorists who murder Jews. In fact, the more they slay, the more you pay. That’s in their law too. And you condemn Israel’s morality? You call Israel racist?

“This is not the way to peace.  This is not the way to achieve the peace we all want and need and to which Israel remains committed. This body should not be applauding the head of a regime that pays terrorists. The U.N. should condemn such a despicable policy…

“Every time I stand here, I feel as I do today. I am privileged to stand here as the Prime Minister of the Jewish and democratic state of Israel. Some believe that Israel cannot be both Jewish and democratic. This is false. Israel is both, and Israel will always remain both. Ever since Abraham and Sarah made their journey to the promised land nearly 4,000 years ago, the Land of Israel has been our homeland. It’s the place where Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob, Leah, and Rachel carried on their eternal covenant with God. It is where Joshua made us a sovereign nation, where David ruled, and Isaiah preached…it’s the place from which we were exiled and to which we returned, rebuilding our ancient and eternal capital Jerusalem.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu is speaking about Jewish history and Christian history! It is terrible how Israel is being treated by other nations especially Iran. Israel, at its widest point, is 75 miles wide and has a population of 6-9 million people, no bigger than the state of New Jersey in America. Israel is being surrounded by nations trying to destroy this small nation! We can read in God’s Word that Israel will be saved, so there is hope! Keep praying for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. Now we see through Prime Minister Netanyahu, Iran is being exposed to what is really going on, its economy is crashing because of the sanctions on Iran. Because of these sanctions, it will help to free the Iranian people who no longer want to be under the tyrannical leadership. Pray for the people of Iran for their freedom and for the revival to come to their nation which has been prophesied. We want to hear from you and what you think about this speech. You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Screenshot courtesy of youtube.com United Nations

Israel – Prime Minister Addresses General Debate, 73rd Session 2018   
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