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Home » Mid Term Elections Gulf Coast Prayer Meeting- November 5th

Mid Term Elections Gulf Coast Prayer Meeting- November 5th



Pastor John Kilpatrick, with Church of His Presence, calls for us to pray for the mid-term elections! If you are on the Gulf Coast you can go to Church of His Presence on November 5, 2018, to take part in this time of prayer and if you are anywhere else you can join from where you are! Pastor Kilpatrick says, “There is still a remnant left…we shall not give up on America!”

This is important for every believer to take the time to pray for our nation and these very important elections! God is still looking for a people who will stand in the gap! Don’t get caught up in the political argument and instead choose to talk to God and ask Him to put people in the office that will turn our nation back to God and bring it back to the original intent of our nation. We want to hear from you, how are you taking part in this time of prayer? You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of pixabay.com

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