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Home » WATCH! Hurricane Michael- Tragedy, Love, Compassion, and Giving; Standing in the Gap for our Fellow Man; Mid Term Elections Gulf Coast Prayer Meeting- November 5th

WATCH! Hurricane Michael- Tragedy, Love, Compassion, and Giving; Standing in the Gap for our Fellow Man; Mid Term Elections Gulf Coast Prayer Meeting- November 5th



Hurricane Michael- Tragedy, Love, Compassion, and Giving: Standing in the Gap for our Fellow Man

We remember when we went through the tragedies on the Gulf Coast in Hurricane Ivan and now looking at the huge powerful Hurricane Michael that brought great tragedy to the Gulf Coast in such a quick time. Nothing can prepare you for what you see and experience in a tragedy like this. It is heart-breaking.

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania went to survey that damage that hurricane Michael caused. President Trump has quickly helped Governor Rick Scott obtain all the funds that are needed to recover and to supply things that are needed to those that have lost so much. This circumstance has proven how important it is for a Governor to have a good relationship with the President.




Operation Blessing is working hard with donations and volunteers to help change the lives of those that have lost so much because of Hurricane Michael. Steve Wilkerson, of Lynnhaven, Florida, shares his experience of the hurricane and how Operation Blessing has helped him and his family. They stayed in their home during this storm. “A roaring sound outside, the wind, things flying horizontally. Four big crashing sounds when the trees hit the house. All of us were surprisingly calm, maybe we were just so scared, it was to the max, and we couldn’t feel it anymore. It is just normal to be scared. But the house survived. There is no power, no water, no telephones, no internet. I bet it would be 15-20 thousand dollars to move the trees out of my yard. Because I have a lot of big trees. When ya’ll (Operation Blessing) drove up today, to be honest, I thought it was just another crew coming up that would charge $2,000 a tree to remove them all. Then comes these smiling faces with God’s love in their heart and their mind. I am totally stunned and moved…it’s hard to keep from crying.”

Drew Anthony, of Georgia, is a volunteer for Operation Blessing. “When you see that joy when you see that hope…someone that’s gone through so much…and you’re able to just be that love and that arm on their shoulders, I mean, there’s nothing like it. You walk away with a smile on your face because you are just excited to help out.”

Greg shares how he can relate to Steve above when he went through Hurricane Ivan. All his trees were taken down by the storm. He also had another family living in his home. He went down to the insurance adjuster, and he watched people in line be turned down for a check one after another because they were saying they must wait. Greg explained to her his situation, and she paused and then said she would cut him a check. As he felt such relief, he had a tear fall down his face. John talks about how he and his neighbors had to cook everything that they all had in their freezers so that it wouldn’t go bad, but many during a disaster like this are unable to cook food because everything was destroyed.

Operation Blessing drives semi-trucks to disaster areas and cooks hundreds and thousands of hot meals for those who have no way to eat while also providing them with much-needed supplies. Tom Wiley with Operation Blessing shares how they quickly deployed over 100 volunteers on their first two days in Panama City, Florida. He shares as they were giving out hot meals, one family came that their children had only had chips for two days and they were able to feed them! The volunteers can’t get to people that are trapped in their homes because of all the trees that have fallen. Tom says that how you can help is to volunteer, they need the workforce to help those in need, and you can also donate so that supplies can be sent directly to those in need! And of course, they are asking for prayer.

It is so simple, all you need to do is visit Operation Blessing here and sign up to volunteer and donate! Be a part of this unity that is taking place in bringing help directly to those in need.

“I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” John 17:23

We want to hear from you and how you are helping those in need from this disaster. You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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Mid Term Elections Gulf Coast Prayer Meeting- November 5th

Pastor John Kilpatrick, with Church of His Presence, calls for us to pray for the mid-term elections! If you are on the Gulf Coast you can go to Church of His Presence on November 5, 2018, to take part in this time of prayer and if you are anywhere else you can join from where you are! Pastor Kilpatrick says, “There is still a remnant left…we shall not give up on America!”

This is important for every believer to take the time to pray for our nation and these very important elections! God is still looking for a people who will stand in the gap! Don’t get caught up in the political argument and instead choose to talk to God and ask Him to put people in the office that will turn our nation back to God and bring it back to the original intent of our nation. We want to hear from you, how are you taking part in this time of prayer? You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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