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Home » PROPHECY! EPIC EVENTS AWAIT 2018 – Pastor John Kilpatrick

PROPHECY! EPIC EVENTS AWAIT 2018 – Pastor John Kilpatrick



Pastor John Kilpatrick, with Church of His Presence, gives a prophetic word that is encouraging about the year 2018. Pastor Kilpatrick has shared many prophetic words and so many have been touched and encouraged by what God has revealed to him. He also gave Greg a prophetic word concerning a move that was happening, and he was able to hold on to that word in faith that what God said would happen! Some of these words that Pastor Kilpatrick shares may apply to you some may not, but there are many words so be sure to listen to them all.

Pastor Kilpatrick shares that epic events await in 2018! “The Lord declares that carefully laid plans that conflict with His time will come to an abrupt end. The Lord has risen up and charted a different course than any of us has ever seen before. EPIC EVENTS AWAIT! Whirlwinds of change are going to sweep the continents. Governing bodies and those who rule will wring their hands when they realize they no longer can control or withstand those that they have governed.”

He shares that longstanding rulers will seem to be almost non-essential. “The Lord is shortening the days. The normal course of things has been changed, and the Lord said they will not return to normal again.” As Pastor Kilpatrick describes the story of Haman, in the book of Esther, what the enemy doesn’t know is that the enemy is the one that will fall into the trap that he set. “Let it be known that any attempt to change laws, put laws on the books, or establish written contrary covenant against God’s people, Israel, will face swift retribution. This is a set time that the Lord has chosen to fulfill His testament with His people and there will be no turning back. The confusion that you see today, in this nation, is only at the beginning stages. This confusion will increase until every continent will be affected by it. But My people will not be confused, shaken, uprooted or overcome!”

A believer’s peace in the midst of chaos is a sign to the unbelievers that God is bigger than the chaos! That they need to come to Jesus and as a believer to live in the same peace they see in you! It is time for you to have the ultimate peace. This shaking in the world is to bring the lost to the Lord and reminds us of the importance of spending time abiding with Jesus. You can read our stories at Meet My Father and make the same decision we did to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life today! We want to hear from you, you can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of pixabay.com

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