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Home » PROPHECY! YEAR OF God’s SUDDENLIES for You in 2018- Cindy Jacobs

PROPHECY! YEAR OF God’s SUDDENLIES for You in 2018- Cindy Jacobs



God has revealed many great things prophetically for the year of 2018! Cindy Jacobs shares a word that this is the year of God’s suddenlies! We serve a God Who speaks to His children! 

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27

We must listen when God speaks! 2018 has been a remarkable year and will continue to be! Cindy shares the prophetic word. “There is going to be accelerations, accelerations, and suddenlies and suddenlies. Sometimes you’re believing for things, and it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen, and then SUDDENLY! There it is right before you! SUDDENLY YOU HAVE THAT HEALING IN YOUR FAMILY! SUDDENLY YOU GOT THAT JOB OFFER…YOU’VE GOT TO BELIEVE GOD FOR THE SUDDENLIES! AND IN THE MEANTIME, JUST KEEP STEADY! KEEP STEADY! KEEP BEING FAITHFUL! KEEP GIVING! KEEP DOING WHAT GOD TELLS YOU TO DO!”

She continues, “Many times it happens when you are not looking for it anymore. You are just doing what God has called you to do and bang it happens. And God does it in such unusual ways, the Lord said to me, “You’re not even gonna be able to figure out how ingenious what I’m going to do for your life” …it’s going to be so suddenly and so ingenious, God is going to move them (problems) out.”

This is the time to speak out what God has said and have faith that he is going to bring His Word to pass. We can stir our faith by believing that it will happen! Know that God has good plans for your life, and he truly loves you. Have you seen suddenlies in your life? We want to hear from you, you can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of storyblocks.com

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