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Home » WATCH! Superintendent of Schools Launches Freedom Week, VFNKB Love Box Philippines Story, Anointed Mid Term Elections Prayer

WATCH! Superintendent of Schools Launches Freedom Week, VFNKB Love Box Philippines Story, Anointed Mid Term Elections Prayer



Florida Schools Celebrate Freedom Week! Schools Read the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence

We are excited to talk about Celebrate Freedom Week in Florida! Superintendent of Schools in Escambia County, Malcom Thomas shared this exciting news. Many schools in America are not even teaching the truth about the founding of our nation. A university has shredded the U.S. Constitution. It seems that many schools are like re-education camps making our children Marxist as Lance Wallnau has said. This is great to see schools participating in celebrating our freedom in America! We pray this spread all over our nation.

Malcom Thomas gave this message to everyone in Escambia County, “To emphasize the importance of Celebrate Freedom Week, at the beginning of each school day…all schools will share a portion of the preamble of the Declaration of Independence during the pledge of allegiance and the moment of silence. I hope you will join us in helping your child learn about the freedoms that we all enjoy as citizens of the United States of America.”

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Preamble to the Declaration of Independence

Write to your school superintendent and ask for Celebrate Freedom Week to be done in your school as well! We live in such a blessed land, and we need to be aware of the freedoms that we have and not take them for granted. We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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VFNKB Love Box, Sending Love to the Philippines Marvie’s Story

Can you imagine if you had nothing? If you didn’t know where your next meal was coming from or when you will get the clothes that you need? We can send love to those that have these very needs, and Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to Me.” When we love others and meet their needs, we are doing it for Jesus! You can do this through a VFNKB Love Box! We take a large box and fill it up with whatever is needed for the people we are ministering to in the Philippines. You can have your office, family, or church work together to gather items and fill the box and ship it off those in need, sharing the love of Jesus.

Our most recent report from a VFNKB Love Box that was sent is encouraging! Marvie is a 17-year-old young man moved who back in with his father and stepmother about two years ago. His father works as a mechanic. Last year when he was in the 10th grade and on the basketball team, he didn’t have sneakers for practice or the games, so he had to borrow them from his neighbor. We were able to bless him with basketball shoes. Also, he only had one pair of pants that he wore every day for every occasion. Through the love box, he was blessed with nice pants and shirts. Many families are thanking the Lord for these love boxes because they can spend more money on food, and even better-quality food since they have been so blessed and haven’t had to buy clothes, shoes and other necessities for their families. Their quality of life has increased tremendously. The love boxes are restoring their confidence in God’s love, and his good plans for them.

It is great to be the hand of Jesus and to extend his love all the way over to the Philippines! If you are interested in participating contact us to find out more, you can write to us at [email protected]. You can also visit VFNKB.com/LoveBox.  Greg and John shared in this segment.

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Midterm Election Prayer 2018 Straight from the Courts of Heaven

Many of us know the mid-term elections in America for 2018 is very important! We need to pray, but we may not know what to pray. Thankfully an anointed prayer has been shared through John Kilpatrick Ministries written by Robert Henderson.



Please pray this prayer being sensitive to the Holy Spirit, pausing where you need to add your own words from the Holy Spirit’s unction. Also, I would suggest that it be prayed every day until the mid-term elections. Remember, we have a right to petition from His Courts and see nations change!

Lord, we humbly come before Your Courts of Heaven and petition you on behalf of the United States of America. As we approach the mid-term elections in our nation, we are in jeopardy of Your purposes being thwarted. We ask before You that you would have mercy on our nation. We ask that there would be a sweeping election of conservatives that would stand for Your agenda within our nation. We ask that from district to district, region to region and State to State those who carry Your heart, morality, ethics, and desire shall be elected. We ask that President Donald J. Trump would have the men and women in Congress that is necessary to fulfill Your purpose in him and through him. We ask Lord that Your Name would be glorified again within the United States of America and the conservative values cherished by You would be upheld and re-established in our nation.

Lord, we as the church take responsibility for the loss of seats in our Congress, both the House of Representatives and the Senate, to demonic agendas. We realize that we have granted the devil the legal right to possess these seats in the spirit world. He has set within these seats those who will do his will. Lord, we repent for any and all our sins of commission and omission that have allowed this. Lord, we repent for not praying for those who are in authority. (I Timothy 2:1-2) We have been disobedient and have not taken our place in the spirit world seriously. Forgive us for this negligent activity. May we take our place in the realm of the spirit in prayer and no longer abdicate it. May we be empowered by You to pray effectively for these seats and those who are to be in them.

Lord, we repent for not being active in the political process and abdicating our rights to vote responsibly. We ask for you to forgive us and even those before us. We are guilty of negligence in this area. We allowed the devil to possess these seats. We are sorry. We ask for the blood of Jesus to speak for us, and these seats to be let go and returned to Your purposes and for Your will in the earth. Lord, we ask that those who represent Your heart would sit again in these seats of government!

Lord, we have made money and greed our motivation and have allowed the devil to possess these seats. We have been a people of entitlement and have voted for those who promised us the most regardless of their worldview and policies. We repent and ask for You to forgive us. May the blood of Jesus speak in our behalf. May we have a heart for the good of the whole ahead of the good of the ones. We repent for being selfish and self-centered and allowing it to produce our worldview. Lord, we ask that you deliver our culture from the socialist mentality that is driving it today. We ask that the heart of the culture would shift. Lord let the powers of darkness that are fashioning the minds of this people be broken, even as we repent in behalf of ourselves and this culture. Lord, we ask that the covering over the people’s minds be destroyed according to Isaiah 25:7.

And He will destroy on this mountain the surface of the covering cast over all people and the veil that is spread over all nations.

Let every veil and covering warping the minds of people now be destroyed in Jesus’ Name!

Lord we also repent for abortion and the blood of the innocent empowering altars in the spirit realm that empowers principalities over our culture. We ask Lord that Your blood would speak instead. Let the altars and their voices in the spirit realm be silenced by Your blood and its voice. (Hebrews 12:24) Lord, allow every mindset created by these voices against you within our culture begin to fall. The powers of darkness that have created these mindsets in culture let them lose their power and rights. As we repent Lord, have mercy on us and revoke the rights of these demonic entities that have shaped the thinking of culture. Let our nation’s minds be freed!

We ask Lord according to Daniel 7:25-26 that every intent of the anti-christ spirit to change times and laws now be frustrated. Even as was promised to let the Court of Heaven be seated and let these demonic powers rights be taken away and destroyed. Lord, we ask that the United States of America be freed from this influence and its destiny be restored. We ask this Lord for the sake of Your purposes in America and the nations of the world. Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered. (Psalms 68:1-2)

Now Lord cause a stirring in the heart of those who agree with Your heart. Let them arise and vote in these mid-term elections on November 6th, 2018. We ask that all passivity would be broken and removed. We ask that hearts are freed and moved to take a stand for You and Your purposes in America. Provoke the heart of all including the complacent and let them arise and vote in Jesus Name!

We ask Lord that there would be a decision rendered from Your Court that would dissolve the rights of the adversary and cause his influence over the minds of the culture of the United States to now be suspended and even destroyed. Allow the mid-term elections to seat true conservatives and reclaim the destiny of America as it is written in the books of heaven. Arise O’ God and have mercy on us we pray from Your Courts! In Jesus Name, Amen!

You can pray this prayer over and over as you pray. Let us join together for our nation in prayer. We want to hear from you, you can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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