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Home » Don’t lose your DESTINY or INTEGRITY, by following FICKLED FEELINGS

Don’t lose your DESTINY or INTEGRITY, by following FICKLED FEELINGS



Have you ever felt like you have been on an emotional roller coaster, either by your emotions or someone else’s? Our feelings are fickle, and they cannot lead us, or we will lead a life of chaos. Many say they are spirit led when they are following their feelings.

Joyce Meyer, with Joyce Meyer Ministries, shares how feelings are fickle. “Emotions are so fickle. Did you ever say to somebody ‘you are so fickle’? And when you say that to them what you are actually saying is, ‘I cannot depend on you, you are one way one day, and another way the next day.’ And we have to understand emotions are fickle; they change without any notice at all.”

We are spirits that have a body and our bodies possess a soul. Our soul is what we think, what we want, and what we feel. Our flesh is not born again; our spirit is born again. In the Bible the book of Romans urges us to offer our flesh as a living sacrifice, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.  Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” We renew our soul by feeding our spirit! There may be times where you don’t feel like listening to an anointed song or a teaching from the Word of God, like VFNtv. But you must choose to feed your spirit and when you do that your soul will line up, and your feelings will start acting as it should because it will feel the goodness of God. The times that you feel like “vegging” out, allowing darkness to speak into your ear or come into your eyes, turn to the light instead! Even though you don’t feel like it, your soul will be encouraged and act like it wanted to all along.

Chuck Pierce, with Glory of Zion International Ministries, gives a prophetic word that we are entering a time of war, which is a spiritual war. “I say to you this is a time of impartation for war. I say I am imparting war into My people. And one generation will teach another generation to war. I say to you; you must shift now to understand and to know your place for days ahead.” Jesus went through this war as well; His emotions were under assault. He was fully God and fully man and chose to not give into His feelings. We can make the same choice and not follow our feelings! Sometimes we feel like doing something, and then the next day we don’t feel like it, the solution to that is to stop allowing your feelings to decide what you are going to do. Our feelings can make a fool out of us. We need to recognize feelings, and we can have someone hold us accountable to not follow our emotions. When we have our vision written down, then we know what the next thing is to do.

It is important that we spend time with God because then we will hear His voice! If you need help on how to spend time with God, you can get a free plan on abiding, spending time with God, at iAbide. Make sure to watch or listen to the full segment to hear more encouragement. We want to hear from you. You can write to us at [email protected].  Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Storyblocks.com

War for The Future | Chuck Pierce Key Prophecy July 1st 2018
Joyce Meyer — Understanding Your Emotions — FULL Sermon 2017
Emmaus Road Discipleship
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