Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » WATCH! Little Girl Shows us how to Bless Others this Christmas + President Trump Shares the True meaning of Christmas + VFNKB Love Box: Giving Hope and Spreading Love to the Poor in the Philippines

WATCH! Little Girl Shows us how to Bless Others this Christmas + President Trump Shares the True meaning of Christmas + VFNKB Love Box: Giving Hope and Spreading Love to the Poor in the Philippines



Little Girl Shows us the Importance of Shopping for Others this Christmas

We are in the Christmas season and it is an important time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is many people’s favorite time of the year. What does Christmas mean to you?

Journey is a young girl who takes us on a journey as she saves money to go shopping for other kids in need. She reminds us all the importance of giving to others this Christmas. “Today I am going to talk about why it is important to give to others. First of all, it feels really good inside. When you reward someone else, God rewards you back and it’s a good deed…it makes the world a better place to live.”

She shares how her mom matched the amount of money she had saved in her “sharing bank” and had a total of $40.66 to go shopping. Journey went to the store and picked out the toys for the needy kids and shows us the toys she bought with much excitement. She asks us all to “crack open your piggy bank and see if you have enough money to help needy kids. Happy Holidays!”

It is encouraging to see a young child thinking of others during Christmas and spending her money she saved on those in need! Start to think about what Christmas means to you and even ask others the same question. We can follow Journey’s example as well and give to those in need this Christmas season and share the love of Jesus Christ.  We want to hear your answer and hear about how you helped others this Christmas! Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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President Trump Shares the True Meaning of Christmas

President Donald Trump shares the true meaning of Christmas as he shares the Gospel at the National Mall for the lighting of the National Christmas tree. Much has changed since the Trump Administration has entered office and one change is that we can say Merry Christmas again in America! It is great to have the freedom to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas without fear of ridicule or even losing a job which has happened in the past.

We join President Trump at the Washington Mall. “…For Christians all across our nation and around our world is a sacred season that began 2,000 years ago. When Jesus Christ was born, an angel declared to the shepherds tending their flocks, Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord. There in Bethlehem Mary and Joseph held in their hands, the Son of God the light of the world and through Him the promise of eternal salvation. No matter one’s faith or beliefs the Christmas season reflects all that is best in the American spirit. This is a time of the year for rejoicing with our family and friends. While spreading charity and good will in our commitment all over this country in all of our communities and for giving thanks in our lives. We are especially thankful for the countless Americans who have given their time and passion to help those in need.”

It is powerful and encouraging to see President Trump declare the true Gospel and share the true meaning of Christmas! Many are quick to say that President Trump says the wrong things, but we see him doing many right things! We are known by what we do by what we say.

We can remember that Christmas is not just a celebration, but it is about all of mankind being saved by Jesus coming down to the earth as a human because He loves us! And for our President to declare that it is amazing and all of heaven is celebrating that this truth is being shared. We want to hear what you think about this! Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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VFNKB Love Box: Giving Hope and Spreading Love to the Poor in the Philippines

At VFNKB we want to give hope and spread the love of Jesus all over the world. One way we are doing this is by giving to those in need in the Philippines. How we do this is by gathering items that the people need like hygiene items, food, clothes, shoes, school supplies and much more. We put these items in a large box and ship it off. Many have had their needs met through this ministry and they have experienced the love of Jesus.

Charlie Nazaro is one of the many people that have received items from the VFNKB love box ministry in the community of Bagong Buhay in Oriental, Mindoro. He is the eldest of five siblings in the family. Because of poverty, they live in a squatter area where their house is almost worn out, but they have no resources to fix it. His father from time to time works as a farm laborer in the rice fields but not regularly. His mother is a house wife because she is taking care of the children. During the rice planting season, you can find Charlie, their oldest son, in the rice fields on Saturdays when there is no school, but on Sundays he is in church every week. Many times, they almost have nothing to eat and no clothes to wear because of their economic condition but no way to change it. They can hardly buy second-hand clothes. So, the VFNKB love box ministry is very helpful to them. The family of Charlie Nazaro is only one of the many families who are in the same situation here in the community. That’s why sending the love box to this community is a big blessing to these poor families.

It is great to see these families blessed and to also see the pictures and videos of many people receiving the items that were sent to them. You can help make this happen! You can give financially to help ship and fill a box. Also, if you are in the Gulf Coast area you can donate items that you want to go in a box to us and we will ship for you. Many times, when we give, we don’t see the full circle results, but we do our best to show you the full circle moment of the person, even children, receiving your gift that was sent! Contact us if you want to help, you can write to us at [email protected]. You can read more on the VFNKB Love box here. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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