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Home » Soldiers HEALED, Word and the Spirit, Pin Point Accurate Words of Knowledge, Azusa NOW on 110th Anniversary Azusa Street Revival Part 1

Soldiers HEALED, Word and the Spirit, Pin Point Accurate Words of Knowledge, Azusa NOW on 110th Anniversary Azusa Street Revival Part 1



God is moving on the earth and is pouring out His Spirit on His Church and the whole earth! This has taken place at Azusa Now at the Los Angeles Coliseum where people from all over the world joined together to remember the 110th anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival.

At this gathering, as people were worshiping God healed people! In a special moment, God healed several men who are U.S. soldiers and were injured by Improvised Explosive Devices, IED’s. The injuries affected their hearing, and each of these men had severe hearing loss.

One man shares his story, “When I was 19 in 2006, I was in Afghanistan, as an infantry soldier and there was a suicide bomber that was seven feet away from me, blew himself up. I spent a year in rehabilitation recovering, and the Lord has done a lot already. I had maybe 20% hearing loss in my left ear and the worse thing was that God not only healed me of that, that I can already hear better in my left ear, but I have such bad crackling that I have to go to the very back of the church when I worship because it’s like a broken speaker. I have to muffle my ear to worship. And now I am here, and I would never be here, completely healed!”

Another man shares his testimony, “I am a soldier still in the Army, in 2009 there was a suicide vest that went off, and I hurt my right ear. I had 40% hearing loss for the last seven years, and today when asked to raise my hand I did it in faith and brothers they prayed for me…I felt a boom and a pop, and now I can hear 100% from my right ear.”

Next, a man shares his healing testimony, “2011 I lost hearing due to an IED…in Afghanistan, serving in the Marine Corps…dealing with that for five years not being able to hear, lost a few friends because they thought I was deaf. As soon as I heard the call, I raised my hand, I thought somebody was snapping in my ear, I opened my eyes, and no one was snapping…now I hear way better, I can hear!”

This is so exciting to see these healings take place and to specifically see those that have defended our freedom in America be healed! Praise the Lord! It is just like Acts 2, in the Bible, where people are gathered together from all over the world, and the Holy Spirit moves in their midst.

One leader that spoke at Azusa Now, the founder of Youth with a Mission, Loren Cunningham, shares what he has noticed about moves of God that last. Specifically, he learned that we shouldn’t just love a move of the Spirit, but we must also love the Word of God! Those two must come together and currently according to George Barna, 81% of American Christians do not read the Bible. We must change this, and we can learn this wisdom from Loren.  He shares this scripture,

“For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14

“That is not saying the glory of the Lord will cover it, that’s saying that knowledge of it. In other words, people are going to know the glory of the Lord. They are going to know about Him. That’s our job; we need to realize that God has included us in reaching this goal so that the world will be saturated with the Word of God about Jesus. Because Jesus is the Word within the Word.”

Loren shares a quote from Smith Wigglesworth, which he was fruit from the Azusa Street Revival. “Whenever the Word comes together with the Spirit, we will have the greatest spiritual awakening the world has ever known.”

Loren continues, “God loves America, but He also loves the other nations. And today we stand at the brink of something that could happen. When Jonathan Edwards began to lead out, and it turned into a spiritual awakening across America, they not only had the Gospel, but they had the Word of God. The Bible was in every public school, was in every classroom. They read every day; they prayed every day in every public school in America. That was virtually in all the homes in America and out of that when the Spirit and the Word came there was a great Spiritual Awakening. Secondly, when Azusa Street took place, again at that time, the Bible was being read in all public schools, and also there was prayer in every school, that was in that time. That’s why the Spirit and the Word coming together…as you understand the two coming together, that’s where the power is released.”

He shares how a Great Awakening is coming to the world! The key to this is to get the Bible made available in every language on the earth, and he shares how his ministry is working to make this possible. This will come by the year 2020! And he shares how there is a wave that is growing, “On that wave that is growing, growing, growing, it is going to be the wave that, those that are 30 and below, you’re going to get to ride the wave, the biggest spiritual wave that has ever taken place in all of history and the rest of us are going to pull you up with jet skis to the top. And, when you’re riding the wave, I’ll tell you what’s going to happen. There’s the foam that comes over the top, after a while. Keep riding it, because there are people that haven’t heard yet. And we’re gonna keep riding it until every person on Earth has the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord.”

We must prepare ourselves for this wave that is growing and be ready to ride it! This is a powerful declaration and imagery of what God is doing throughout the Earth! This encouraging word that was delivered seized the entire audience to respond to the Lord, entering covenant with the Lord. “Now in earlier times in Israel, for the redemption and transfer of property to become final, one party took off his sandal and gave it to the other. This was the method of legalizing transactions in Israel.” Ruth 4:7 The very words of Loren are an invitation to what the Lord is doing. It is a divine interruption into the plans that we may be planning. Will we continue our plans or give our lives to the plans of the Lord? Shoes could be seen, lifted high into the air, across the Coliseum, as thousands responded to this divine interruption. Let us join in this covenant and work to bring the Word of God to the world!

You can partner with VFNKB as we work to bring the Light of Jesus all over the world. We reach the world every day through our program, and we would love to have you be a part in sharing Jesus with those in need. What do you think about this? We want to hear from you! Please write to us at [email protected]. Greg shared in this segment.

Screenshot Courtesy of Azusa Now

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