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Home » 2019 Prophetic Word- Great Faith, Suddenlies, Personal Economy, Mega Shift Coming to the Church – Apostle Guillermo Maldonado

2019 Prophetic Word- Great Faith, Suddenlies, Personal Economy, Mega Shift Coming to the Church – Apostle Guillermo Maldonado



As we have started a new year, it is encouraging to hear a prophecy from Apostle Guillermo Maldonado, with King Jesus Ministries, about 2019 and how a mega-shift is coming and much more!

“Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7

Be sure to receive this word for yourself and your family! Apostle Maldonado shares nine things that God is going to do this year.

1. This is the year you will come into great faith.  

2. Year of Mega Change; Mega Shift. 

3. New Economy Coming into You. 

4. Fulfillment of promises, prayers, and prophecies. 

5. Intensity and Outpouring of Holy Spirit. 

6. Unusual Manifestations of the Glory of God. 

7. Unusual Favor and Access. 

8. The Suddenlies of God; Something is going to come upon you this year. 

9. Great End time harvest of souls.  

The number 19 is the number of faith! We are already seeing this word come to pass as we have seen a mega shift of the Church to family. This is the year for that reset for family! Also, God has been showing Greg how we must acknowledge Holy Spirit and have a relationship with Him. Tell Him that you want to have a relationship with Him. Holy Spirit is a person! We must be careful not to offend Him and if you feel that you have offended Him, you can ask Him to forgive you. There is so much more so be sure to watch or listen to hear the full word. We want to hear what God is saying to you about this prophecy. Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Storyblocks.com

A Prophetic Word for 2019 – Guillermo Maldonado 

Emmaus Road Discipleship

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