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Is America on the Brink of Judgment? Window of Opportunity to Fully Turn Back to God



When we hear prophetic words, it can be easy to tuck away the ones that project hardship, but we are to consider hardship as discipline as the children of God. We are hearing prophecies from men of God saying that hardship is coming, and we must be aware of this so that we can be prepared and not caught by surprise. Pat Robertson, the founder of CBN, speaks on Stephen Strang’s podcast about the impending hardship for America if we do not humble ourselves.

Robertson spoke with Strang and said that Americans are experiencing a respite with President Donald Trump in office, but we don’t need to relax. Americans must humble themselves or else a swift judgment is coming! I think we’re on the precipice of something that could be not good, but bad…The Bible talks about ‘They broke the eternal covenant,’ and I think worldwide, people have broken the covenant with God. And there’s a wrath of God that’s kind of impending. But right now, in America, God is giving us a respite. I think that what’s happening in the election we’re looking at—God’s going to give the Supreme Court, the lower courts, the United States Senate, the House of Representatives and the presidency into the hands of Donald Trump and the Republicans.” He says that this opportunity may be the greatest one this generation has ever seen, but it is conditional. 

“So, God is opening up one more time for America…This is going to be an open window, that’s to say, ‘If you will take that opportunity, it’s the uplands. … If you reject it and turn back to breaking My covenant and widespread abortion and all of the evil of your pornography and all the rest of it, judgment is going to fall on [you].’ Right now, is God’s opportunity for this great nation—and one I don’t think we’ve ever had in my lifetime.” 

Robertson continues and says, “We’ve got to pray. We’ve really got to pray. God … said, ‘If My people, which are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, … then I’ll hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.’ But that’s got to be a national turning. I think, in measure, you can have a revival like King Josiah at the top, but at the same time, judgment will come because of what Manasseh’s sins were.” 

At VFNKB we have talked about the moment America is in right now thinking it is a Josiah moment and it does look like it is that moment. We are looking at a generation that has not been taught the things that are written of in the Bible and King Josiah, written about in the book of 2 Kings, he and his generation were not taught what was written in the Bible. Once he discovered it though he responded in repentance and told his people that God’s anger was burning against them because of their disobedience. He purged the kingdom of all the high places including the shedding of innocent bloodshed. This is where America is at! Our soil is crying out with all the blood that has been shed in the killing of innocent babies. Our “king” President Trump is working tirelessly to end this shedding of innocent blood even addressing it in the 2019 State of the Union address! Our nation is at a point of decision to decide what we truly stand for as a nation.

Many may wonder how our nation can even change at this point, but that is why we are crying out to God for a Third Great Awakening! This awakening can change the DNA of a nation! For this to happen, we believe that abortion must end in America. First repentance then a refreshing will come from the Lord. The Spirit of God is saying for His people to get their house in order! We must get right in the Church first and quit looking to the world to get right because we are to be the light in the darkness showing the world the way to Jesus.

Greg reminds us of the word he shared that we are going to be in a physical battle and he and John have seen great disaster coming to America. The question is, why don’t we just repent? If we repent, then God will relent!

God spoke to Dumitru Duduman about the future of America and his grandson Michael Boldea shares that prophetic word. “It was getting very dark, and as I looked around, there were many people around me. And somehow, I knew that all these people were Christians and as it began to get darker and darker, I saw an army and all of the army was dressed in black except one. And that one exception was dressed in red, and it had a sign on his forehead, and he began to speak. ‘I am lucifer, and I have come to make war against the children of God.’ And all the people became scared, and lucifer said, ‘Who has the strength that they can stand against me? Go to the left. Those of you that don’t even want to fight against me go to the right.’ Only 25% of the people went to the left, and all the other went to the right. He gave the order, ‘Attack all of those on the left, kill them!’ And as the army advanced and they surrounded the little group, a light began to shine from heaven, and it surrounded the group. And a voice said, ‘Take out your swords and defend yourselves.’ One of the people in the group asked, ‘What swords?’ And the voice said, ‘The Word of the Lord is your sword take it out and use it.’ And then they began to quote scripture from the Bible, and this army stopped advancing and all of a sudden, they began to sing this song. The army got so scared that they began to run away and then satan became very furious, and he said, ‘Attack those on the right.’ And one by one those on the right were all killed because they couldn’t defend themselves. One of the people from the little group asked, ‘How come those people couldn’t be defended as we were?’ And the voice said, ‘Those people were lukewarm all their lives. One foot in the world, one foot in the Church, they never really had the Word of God nor the power of God, and because of that they could not be defended.’ The sun began to shine, and all the black clouds began to disperse, and there was only one cloud left with lucifer and his army on it. Lucifer began to shake his fist at the little group and then it disappeared. As he (Duduman) looked around, he saw many people that he recognized in the little group as Christian brothers.”

The question we can ask is why are we not responding to God? It is a choice to follow God; He doesn’t force us! This is making Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, and you can make that decision today! You can read our stories at Meet My Father and be encouraged in your decision to follow Jesus.

John Paul Jackson, a prophetic man who is now with the Lord, answers the question when these difficult times will stop with a prophecy. “My people are going to cry out to Me…it will keep getting darker until they do. It will keep getting darker until they do.”

“Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as His children. For what children are not disciplined by their father?” Hebrews 12:7

God does not want us to end up in a dark destiny which is why He disciplines us to give us a chance to repent and turn back to Him! He loves us! He gave us free will that we can decide to either spend eternity with Him, or we can choose to spend eternity in hell. The rich young ruler Jesus spoke about was given a choice to leave his wealth and follow Jesus, but he chose to keep his riches.

Jesus will love us all the way to hell! We can choose to respond to his free love. The respite that America is in right now is a chance for us to respond to the Lord and repent. We must be ready for the harvest of souls that are coming in! We can respond to the Lord and follow Him in humility before it is too late. What is God saying to you about America and where the nation is going? We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Storyblocks.com

In Depth with Pat Robertson 
The Last Days of America? A Prophetic Vision – Pastor Shane Warren  
Shane Warren

Emmaus Road Discipleship

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