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Home » NSA Hacked by Shadow Power Brokers? Everything is Hacked by Everyone says Julian Assage

NSA Hacked by Shadow Power Brokers? Everything is Hacked by Everyone says Julian Assage



Everyone seems to have a computer today. Whether it is a mobile device, an iPhone, a tablet or laptop, they all have access to the internet. Additionally, all of these are accessible to those who want access. When CNN’s Jake Tapper spoke with the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assage, he reveals, “Everything is hacked by everyone. If you’re a major company or a major political party, you end up getting hacked.” Considering the level of technology that our culture experiences, this is significant enough for us to take notice.

Glenn Beck discussed the reality of hackers and the possibility of Russian hackers when he talks about shadow brokers. Reportedly, shadow brokers have claimed to have broken into the NSA and stolen malware. Glenn shares information that is reported by Foreign Policy. “They (Shadow Brokers) claim to have broken into the NSA (National Security Agency) and hacked their way in and stolen malware.” What is also concerning is that files were posted on the internet to be freely viewed. An additional list of files had not yet been released, but as Glenn shares, “…If they receive $1 Million in Bitcoin, which is equivalent to $550 Million, they will also release those on the internet…Security researchers say it is functional and includes computer codes for carrying out espionage. This is really significant! This is a hostage situation…they are not asking for cash, they are asking for cryptocurrency which is completely untraceable…the other reason why this is so dangerous is that if they could hack into the NSA, what can’t they hack in to?” Glenn asks the question, “Who are we dealing with?” He also continues to share how hackers, possibly Russia, have hacked into the Democratic National Convention and other political institutions.

With most of our information, if not all, being stored online it is important for us to have paper proof of our transactions to be prepared if your information is stolen online like having paper bills to show proof that you have paid your bill. John Paul Jackson prophesied that it is important that we can prove our financial records by keeping or printing payments or past invoices. Be sure to listen to the full segment to hear more. We want to know what you think about this! Write to us at [email protected]. Greg shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Storyblocks.com

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