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Home » WATCH! Anchors Away!” God is Replacing Unreliable News Sources + Are You TIRED OF STRUGGLING In Life? You’ve Got to Finish the Job! says Steven Furtick, of Elevate Church + The Foundation of Christianity and America

WATCH! Anchors Away!” God is Replacing Unreliable News Sources + Are You TIRED OF STRUGGLING In Life? You’ve Got to Finish the Job! says Steven Furtick, of Elevate Church + The Foundation of Christianity and America



Anchors Away!” God is Replacing Unreliable News Sources with One’s He has established to Bring True News! Prophetic Words from Bill Yount and Rick Joyner begun to come to Pass?

Many are facing the shocking and sobering reality that most of the voices throughout media were wrong in their assumptions, presumptions, and proclamations regarding how the elections were going to turn out. Regardless of what the masses may have “projected” or “calculated,” truth is no man or woman truly knew what would take place. Only God does. It is times such as these when people realize that news anchors are not telling the truth. It was also these very times and seasons that have been prophesied about that God would raise up His own “anchors.”

Bill Yount revealed that God would be establishing His own anchors. He specifically shares:

“These anchormen and anchorwomen will come forth from deep waters of the unknown. They will not only report the perilous news but will have the treasures and the riches of Christ inside of them, so that the anointing of God will come right through the radio and television screens as people become convicted by their radiant countenance and peace in the midst of chaos. These anointed news anchors will become spectacles to the world as they are given favor to report of the hope within them.”

Additionally, Yount also shares, “The favor of the Lord will increase upon these handpicked vessels because of their accuracy in reporting the news before the news actually spreads throughout broadcasting stations, bringing the fear of the Lord and salvation into many lives.”

Yount was not the only one to speak about the Lord’s plans for these upcoming “anchors,” but also Rick Joyner spoke of these days as well. “We need to have other reliable sources for what is going on, and there are potentials for this to be developed… But, to get accurate information, I believe the Lord is raising up people to really do that, and you’re gonna see the world coming to them, to the Church for information, for light.” The days that we are witnessing are the very days that God has told us about. We can be encouraged to know that God has a plan and that He is working out that plan and raising up a people for a time such as this. Hear the fullness of both inspiring prophetic words, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophecy, media, crisis, and encouragement. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

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Are You TIRED OF STRUGGLING In Life? You’ve Got to Finish the Job! says Steven Furtick, of Elevate Church

Sometimes we come across a great idea to implement and carry out. But, somewhere during the process, we hit a snag and the whole operation stops. At some point, we realize that we’ve got to finish the job! Steven Furtick, with Elevate Church, shares a powerful perspective that we must understand, not only in these moments but in our fight against the devil’s schemes. “We’ve got to finish the job!”

“He (Jesus) didn’t just defeat sin; He destroyed it. Jesus didn’t just die to deliver us from death; He died so that we might reign in life!” If we’re enduring a fight in our life, we must remember that God is on our side and He fights our enemies. Furtick recounts the reality of David’s battle against Goliath and how the outcome contradicted the onset. “Let’s don’t just survive the struggle. We’ve got the enemy on the run, now let’s take his sword… and finish the job…David went into the battle without a sword, but he left the battle with one, cause he took what was coming against him and God used it to deliver him!”  

When we look at what Paul wrote about this, it tells us what we must set our minds on.

Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:5-6

This is a powerful truth that we all must embrace knowing that we will fight against the attacks of darkness. Be greatly encouraged in your walk with the Lord as you fight, boldly against the schemes of the Devil, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: spiritual warfare, intercession, boldness, prayer, and mental thoughts. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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The Foundation of Christianity and America

If you were asked what the foundation of Christianity was, what would you say? Would you know or would you guess? When Steve Deace sat down and spoke with Glenn Beck, he talked about what the responses were when he asked Christians the very same question.

“Almost every time, they are going to tell me ‘the Bible’.” He retorts, “No it’s not. Christ is the foundation of the Christian faith.” As he recounts the simple truth of Christ being raised from the dead and God’s hand intervening into the timeline of mankind, he elaborates further, “Did that fact happen? If it did then the Bible is the clarification… how we are to then live in light of that fact.”  He makes the distinction between what the foundation and the responses he received by stating, “The foundation is Christ. The clarification is the Bible.”

With this very understanding, Deace then switches gears and turns the attention to the often-misunderstood perception between the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution“That is the relationship, I believe, between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.” He highlights the purpose of the U.S. Constitution, “Then the inevitable questions that come along when we have conflicts, how do we resolve those things? The Constitution clarifies those conflicts. But, the Declaration is the foundation.”

Many voices and conversations are going back and forth about the details and issues addressed within the U.S. Constitution, but we must get back to the understanding and the importance of the Declaration. Yes, we need to understand the Amendments within the Constitution, but more importantly is the Constitution. See the full dialogue from Steve Deace, the response of Glenn Beck, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: The Ten Commandments, Original Intent, natural law, and progressives. Greg shared in this segment.

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