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Home » WATCH! Norma McCorvey: The Real Jane Roe of Roe v Wade; Teenage Girl Stunning Response to Teen Vogue Article: What to Get a friend Post-Abortion?; Debunking Planned Parenthood Myth: Abortions are only 3% of Services they Offer

WATCH! Norma McCorvey: The Real Jane Roe of Roe v Wade; Teenage Girl Stunning Response to Teen Vogue Article: What to Get a friend Post-Abortion?; Debunking Planned Parenthood Myth: Abortions are only 3% of Services they Offer



Norma McCorvey: The Real Jane Roe of Roe v Wade

Norma McCorvey was the plaintiff in the court case Roe v. Wade. She had originally wanted an abortion, but she never had the abortion. She gave her life to the Lord and became a pro-life activist. She shares her regret in helping to pass the law to legalize abortion. She expresses how valuable life is to her, “You read about me in history books. But, now I’m dedicated to spreading the truth about preserving the dignity of all human life, from natural conception to natural death.” She was a Christian and loved the Lord to her last day. Watch or listen to hear the full interview, and we want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg shared in this segment. 

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Teenage Girl Stunning Response to Teen Vogue Article: What to Get a friend Post-Abortion?

A 16-year-old young lady, Autumn, along with Students For Life, responded to a Teen Vogue article titled What to Get a Friend Post-Abortion. Her response is stunning! “Hello, I’m Autumn, and I’m 16…and since I’m a teen, this was directed at me.” She gives a brief overview of this article by stating, “The point of the article was to make the situation seem as light-hearted, and nonchalant as possible to convince girls my age that abortion is no big deal.” She reiterates that “…abortion is a big deal, a very big deal.” She challenges Teen Vogue’s fantasyland description of abortion by admonishing with the truth. “No one skips into that room as if they’re getting their hair highlighted or their nails painted…The thought of going into a room and having my baby surgically removed from my body is both terrifying and scary.” Autumn shares her view on girl power, “To me abortion seems to be like the opposite of girl power; it is the most invasive and degrading thing that could happen to a girl, and my version of girl power is knowing that I am valuable and precious, I am grateful that I was allowed to live, and I want all girls and boys to have that same right. This is a human rights issue not a girl power movement.”

Hearing Autumn speak is very eye-opening and inspiring as she uncovers the agenda of Planned Parenthood and as she shares places that will help women before they have an abortion and after an abortion. She implores the young teenagers and college students to get involved and join her with Students For Life which is a great way for you to be involved in the Pro-Life Movement. If you are considering abortion know that there are many other options to help you and that you can choose life for your baby. Make sure to listen or watch the full interview and be inspired to stand for life! We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg shared in this segment. 

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Debunking Planned Parenthood Myth: Abortions are only 3% of Services they Offer

In this segment, we look at Planned Parenthood and their self-reported abortion statistic that abortions are only 3% of the services they offer. Live Action helps to debunk this myth and uncovers the true statistics by using Planned Parenthood’s reports. “According to their own Annual Report, Planned Parenthood commits over 300,000 abortions per year. Last year alone, they did 323,999 abortions, which averages to 887 abortions per day, 37 abortions per hour, and one abortion every 97 seconds.” After researching the number of patients that are seen at Planned Parenthood and dividing that by the amount of abortions that they commit, that equals to 1 in every 8 patients gets an abortion. Also, Planned Parenthood commits 30.6 % of abortions in America! If a lie is told long enough one can start to believe it and it seems that this lie is being repeated by many pro-abortion people concerning Planned Parenthood.  Make sure to listen or watch the full program to hear the full report. We want to hear what you think about this article; you can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 

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