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Home » Boy Genius; 11-Year-Old College Graduate Answers – Does God exist in the Universe or does the Universe Exist in God?

Boy Genius; 11-Year-Old College Graduate Answers – Does God exist in the Universe or does the Universe Exist in God?



We continue the conversation about the 11-year-old boy genius, William Maillis, as he shares his beliefs on how the Universe exists. We join an interview at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Technology, HCHC, William is being interviewed by the President of HCHC and his father is also with him. He answers the question; Does God exist in the Universe or does the Universe exist in God? “The Universe exists in God because God is outside of time and space. Otherwise how would He have created the Universe? Because sometimes we try to put Universal laws our logic and reason when we are imperfect, and we try to put that on God. When He is outside of the Universe and so Universal laws don’t apply to Him and trying to put our Universal laws on God is like trying to make God an image and likeness of us. Which is egocentric and exclusive.” God exists outside of time and that is how God can be omnipotent. God wanted a relationship with us; He created us so that He can have a relationship with us. God also lives outside of our understanding so we can’t try to figure Him out, we must believe in Jesus and make Him the Lord of our life and we can ask Him to reveal Himself to us. You can read our testimonies at Meet My Father. We want to hear from you! You can email us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Storyblocks.com

Answering the Call: William Maillis 
Boy, 11, graduates college, wants to prove God exists
Emmaus Road Discipleship
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