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WATCH! 11-Year-Old College Graduate; Boy Genius want to Prove God Exists through Science



11-Year-Old College Graduate; Boy Genius wants to Prove God Exists through Science

An 11-year-old college graduate? WND reports about this boy genius and all the great milestones he has had in his short life. “Before he was 2 years old, William Maillis was adding and subtracting. As a 3-year-old, he knew the alphabet in six languages. By age 4, he was an algebra whiz. At 5 years old, a psychologist at Ohio State University said the boy was a genius. Now at the ripe young age of 11, Maillis has officially become a college graduate, receiving an associate degree Saturday from St. Petersburg College in Florida. But his education is not finished yet, as he begins classes next month at the University of South Florida to earn a bachelor’s degree, as he’s looking upward toward the heavens. “I want to be an astrophysicist,” William told Bay News 9. “I want to prove to the world that God does exist through science. I’m gifted in what I’m gifted in and other people are gifted in other things.” William is not shy talking about the Creator, as he told Tampa station WFTS, “Everybody has gifts from God. I was gifted with knowledge and science and history.”” William is very humble in how he talks about his gifts.

We join an interview at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, HCHC, William is being interviewed by the President of HCHC and his father is also with him. William talks about how he desires to prove that God exists with his theory. “Something can’t come from nothing, because it would have to exist in order to cause itself to exist which is logical. Therefore, something other must have created the singularity and that something other we observe as God. So, Hawking’s theory that there should be no cause because of gravity. Gravity can’t create something. Gravity can’t do anything unless it is not acting against something. Gravity is literally nothing…nothing applied on nothing is nothing.” This is so powerful to hear this young man talk about his theory and how God is our Creator.

William continues by answering what are his dreams? “I want to be an Astrophysicist, so that I can prove to the scientific world that God does exist. These Atheists that try to say that, ‘There is no God,’ when in reality it takes more faith that there is no God than it does to believe that there is a God.” This is so interesting how this 11-year-old is helping the world understand that it takes more faith to believe that God does not exist versus having faith that He does exist. If you don’t have a personal relationship with God and do not know Him then that is the blocking point. Once you get to know God through His Son Jesus Christ, He will come and live in your heart and He will speak to you. You can make that decision to make Jesus the Lord of your life. Read our testimonies at Meet My Father. What do you think about this? We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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Boy Genius; 11-Year-Old College Graduate Answers – Does God exist in the Universe or does the Universe Exist in God?  

We continue the conversation about the 11-year-old boy genius, William Maillis, as he shares his beliefs on how the Universe exists. We join an interview at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Technology, HCHC, William is being interviewed by the President of HCHC and his father is also with him. He answers the question; Does God exist in the Universe or does the Universe exist in God? “The Universe exists in God because God is outside of time and space. Otherwise how would He have created the Universe? Because sometimes we try to put Universal laws our logic and reason when we are imperfect, and we try to put that on God. When He is outside of the Universe and so Universal laws don’t apply to Him and trying to put our Universal laws on God is like trying to make God an image and likeness of us. Which is egocentric and exclusive.” God exists outside of time and that is how God can be omnipotent. God wanted a relationship with us; He created us so that He can have a relationship with us. God also lives outside of our understanding so we can’t try to figure Him out, we must believe in Jesus and make Him the Lord of our life and we can ask Him to reveal Himself to us. You can read our testimonies at Meet My Father. We want to hear from you! You can email us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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William Maillis 11-Year-Old Genius Shares the Importance of Stewarding our Talents and Gifts from God

We continue the conversation about the 11-year-old boy genius, William Maillis, as he shares how we need to steward our God given talents and gifts. We join an interview at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Technology, HCHC, William is being interviewed by the President of HCHC and his father is also with him.

“Education is necessary for the advancement of society in any way whatsoever and also this brings up a parable.” He talks of the Parable of the Talents. Matthew 25:15-18, To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. So also, he who had the two talents made two talents more. But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master’s money.” And William continues, “So we need to invest in our talents and we need to invest in our gifts that we have from God and not just bury them like the slothful and wicked servant did.” God gave us our talents and gifts and God’s expectation of us is to take what He has given us and use it! Be challenged and be empowered, which is what we do at VFNKB, to use your talents and gifts and multiply them. We must fight and use what we have to do what we can, and God will multiply it in our life. Ask God to reveal the gifts and talents He has given you and you can have a relationship with Jesus if you haven’t already. Read our stories at Meet My Father. We want to hear from you! You can email us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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