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Home » PROPHECY! Position Yourself in 2019 for the Best and Worst of Times at the Same Time; Chuck Pierce and Pastor Randy Feldschau

PROPHECY! Position Yourself in 2019 for the Best and Worst of Times at the Same Time; Chuck Pierce and Pastor Randy Feldschau



It is the best of times and the worst of times. Chuck Pierce with Glory of Zion International prophesies how the next two years will be the worst of times but also gives wisdom from God about what to do during this time as well. Then Pastor Randy Feldschau with Cathedral of Praise prophesies how this is the best of times! Be empowered through these prophecies and hold on to the promises of God!

Pierce starts the conversation talking about when he worked in the oil field. He was in the process of coming back to the Lord and was 18 years old. There was a pipeline that no one would check because it was in the middle of a swamp. They knew there was a leak there, so Pierce volunteered to go and find the leak. The only Christian that he worked with told him that God was going to speak to him through the mess that he was about to go through on this pipeline. All he was given was a pair of waders and a machete, and as he walked the pipeline if he stepped one foot over, he would sink, so he had to be careful. As he starts, he realized how dangerous this was!

Pierce continues, “I was coming back to the Lord, but that accelerated it, quickly. Because if you got off center at all, you were in trouble. Now hear what I’m telling you prophetically if you got off center…you were in trouble. Water was up to, minimum, your waist, and then the weeds were up over your head. And I kept saying what in the world have I done?” He shares how all he could remember was what the Christian had said to him that God was going to do something.

“I was about a third through (the pipeline), and I didn’t even know if I was going in the right direction…there were trees hanging over and all of a sudden this black moccasin drops right in front of me…I knew I had one shot at that thing.” Pierce says that he had to cut its head off and that was the only way he would kill it. “This was one of the life-turning moments in my entire life that brought me into a new level of awakening with the Lord…the Lord spoke to me…He said look up; He said do not look down at all this stuff that you are about to go through. Look up!” When he looked up, he could see an opening in the trees about a mile ahead. “The Lord said keep your eyes fixed on that opening in the heavens. And if you’ll keep your eyes fixed on it, you will make it through this place.”

Pierce encourages us to lift our prophetic machete and say, “Lord keep us looking up, and the snakes ahead will have no heads.”

He switches now to the time we are in as a nation in America and what will take place in the next two years, which is why we need our machete to get through the swamp. “We are in this time of breaking out of conventional ways of thinking. This is very key for us if we are going to make it through this place that we are headed through. And with that…we are making a shift into harvest…anytime that you are moving into a harvest season, what happens is the separation gets worse and worse. Greater and greater and greater. Over these next two years, you will see one of the greatest separations in this nation. It will almost look like the Civil War has come, but it is just that God is going to have to define this separation so that we fully understand it. It will cause His people, filled with the Spirit to rise up as one…we won’t have time for the racism card; we won’t have time for all of that because we have to be one. The voices with the anointing, we will have to learn to follow after the anointing and be able to see the anointing. Because the separation will get greater and greater.”

Pierce continues with how the Church will be shifting into Kingdom. “It is a new day; we can’t think church. What God has been doing in you is to get you into Kingdom thought, and the Kingdom is within you. So that means it’s you that is about to decree some things that you have never decreed before. And move forward and exhibit some things you have never exhibited before.”

Of all the things that Jesus preached on He preached on the fact that the Kingdom of God is near! This separation is here, and we must be careful not to be separated within ourselves. We must be ALL IN with God, and as we continue on this narrow path, we must keep our eyes on the prize which is Jesus and spending eternity with Him!

We will need clear vision to get through this swamp that we will be going through. Greg wrote a book, I Will Fight, that gives you strategies for success so that you can have a clear vision and make it to the end with your eyes on Jesus. You can order your copy of the book here, and we only ask for you to pay for shipping and handling.

Next, Pastor Randy Feldschau shares another prophetic word and gives us encouragement for these times we are heading into. As you listen to this word, it is according to your faith for the best of times to happen! Jesus said that we would do even greater things than Him so that should empower us to have faith!

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” John 14:12

“I believe it’s a powerful word that can impact our lives in the year 2019. But we have to remember what Jesus said, ‘According to your faith, so be it.’ This promise that I’m going to share with you is actually a word that God gave Israel in the book of Amos…I want to lay claim to this word for you and I today.”

Pastor Feldschau shares from Amos 9:13:

“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree.

“Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills.” The Message Bible

He breaks down the four promises spoken of in this scripture. The first promise, “I believe it’s a season of divine acceleration. God’s people will begin to experience life at the speed of favor. This is faster than the speed of sound; it’s faster than the speed of light. It’s the speed of favor. I believe in this season if we will lay claim to this promise and walk in faith, I believe we can start experiencing life at the speed of favor. Things can start happening very fast for you and I.”

The second promise, “I believe this is a multi-generational time. He said that things are going to happen, heel upon heel, just one after another. So, I believe the sons and daughters will follow on the heels of fathers and mothers receiving an impartation from them and thus maintaining the power and the strength of the generations. We have to do a better job of passing the baton to the next generation. We have to do a better job at maintaining the strength of the generations.” He shares how many times a generation will not pass the baton, so the next generation must relearn the same things all over again.

The third promise, “I believe this is a time of Kairos moments. We understand there is chronological time, but there is Kairos time. Now Kairos time is God time. It is a suddenly where God interrupts the natural flow of events and suddenly time will just stand still. I believe that God will suddenly bypass ordinary time to create extraordinary moments.” He speaks of the day of Pentecost and the suddenly that took place.

“Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.” Acts 2:2

Pastor Feldschau continues, “I believe in 2019 we can experience Kairos moments where God will interrupt your life, and there will be a suddenly, a moment when God will give you an extraordinary moment.”

The fourth promise, “I think this is a year of restoration. For He said in Amos 9:13 that blessings are going to flow like wine off of the mountain.” He speaks of Joel 2:25 when God promised to repay for the times that were stolen.

“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten…”

“I am just believing that God is going to make up what you’ve lost. You are going to catch up. I believe this is the year for God to restore to us what the enemy has stolen.”

This is an encouraging word to believe for the good when we see the bad. We must get ourselves positioned correctly to be able to bring in the harvest that Chuck Pierce spoke of, and we can do that by applying what we have by moving in faith and believing what God has said. Maybe you need help to get more of God’s Word in you; you can get a free plan at iAbide to help you learn how to spend time in God’s Word. We want to hear from you and what you think about these two prophetic words. Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

Chuck Pierce: Prophetic Word For The Next 2 years 2019-2020
Live life at the speed of favor with “The Amos Paradigm!” 

Emmaus Road Discipleship

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