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President Trump Unveils Plan on Modernizing America’s Immigration System




In America, we have heard repeatedly about immigration and what works and what doesn’t. Who is doing something about the inferior immigration system? President Donald Trump has introduced a plan on how to modernize America’s immigration system. We join him in the Rose Garden at the White House as he shares about this new plan.

President Trump says that the plan is to have a fair and lawful system for immigration in the modern world. “If adopted, our plan will transform America’s immigration system into the pride of our nation and the envy of the modern world.  Our proposal builds upon our nation’s rich history of immigration while strengthening the bonds of citizenship that bind us together as a national family. Throughout our history, we have proudly welcomed newcomers to our shores.  Out of many people, from many places, we have forged one people and one nation under God, and we’re very proud of it. We share the same home, we share the same destiny, and we pledge allegiance to the same, great American flag. Our policies have turbo-charged our economy.  Now, we must implement an immigration system that will allow our citizens to prosper for generations to come.”

He shares that this new immigration plan will put Americans first and is pro-American, pro-immigrant, and pro-worker and will help immigrants to achieve the American Dream! “Our plan achieves two critical goals.  First, it stops illegal immigration and fully secures the border.  And, second, it establishes a new legal immigration system that protects American wages, promotes American values, and attracts the best and brightest from all around the world. The proposal begins with the most complete and effective border security package ever assembled by our country — or any other country, for that matter.  It’s so important…Everyone agrees that the physical infrastructure on the border and the ports of entry is gravely underfunded and woefully inadequate.  We scan only a small fraction of the vehicles, goods, and all of the other things coming across, including people.  And, sadly, the drugs pour across our border.  We’re going to stop it. Investment in technology will ensure we can scan 100 percent of everything coming through, curbing the flow of drugs and contraband while speeding up legal trade and commerce.  It’s the most heavily traded — monetarily — border anywhere in the world, and it’s not even close.”

President Trump reminds us that the border wall is being built very quickly, and there should be at least 400 miles completed by the end of 2020. He continues to speak on the importance of securing our borders to stop the smuggling of women and children. “As we close the gaps in our physical framework, we must also close the gaps in our legal framework.  Critical to ending the border crisis is removing all incentives for smuggling women and children…People have no idea how bad it is unless you’re there, and unless you are a member of law enforcement.  They see it every day, and they can’t believe what they see. Current law and federal court rulings encourage criminal organizations to smuggle children across the border.  The tragic result is that 65 percent of all border-crossers this year were either minors or adults traveling with minors.  Our plan will change the law to stop the flood of child smuggling and to humanely reunite unaccompanied children with their families back home — and rapidly.  As soon as possible…”

He continues, “My plan expedites relief for legitimate asylum seekers by screening out the meritless claims.  If you have a proper claim, you will quickly be admitted; if you don’t, you will promptly be returned home. Crucially our plan closes loopholes in federal law to make clear that gang members and criminals are inadmissible.  These are some of the worst people anywhere in the world — MS-13 and others.  Inadmissible.  Not coming in.  We’re taking them out all the time by the thousands, a year, but they come in.  They are no longer admissible.  And for criminals already here, we will ensure their swift deportation.  We will keep our communities safe.  Americans can have complete and total confidence that under this plan, the borders will finally be fully and totally secured.”

Also, he points out that America’s legal immigration system is dysfunctional, and the plan is to make it a fair and transparent system. “Every year, we admit 1.1 million immigrants as permanent legal residents. These green card holders get lifetime authorization to live and work here and a five-year path to American citizenship.  This is the most prized citizenship anywhere in the world, by far. Currently, 66 percent of legal immigrants come here on the basis of random chance.  They’re admitted solely because they have a relative in the United States.  And it doesn’t really matter who that relative is.  Another 21 percent of immigrants are issued either by random lottery or because they are fortunate enough to be selected for humanitarian relief. Random selection is contrary to American values and blocks out many qualified potential immigrants from around the world who have much to contribute.  While countless — and you wouldn’t believe how many countries, like Canada, create a clear path for top talent.  America does not. Under the senseless rules of the current system, we’re not able to give preference to a doctor, a researcher, a student who graduated number one in his class from the finest colleges in the world — anybody.  We’re not able to take care of it.  We’re not able to make those incredible breakthroughs.  If somebody graduates top of their class from the best college, sorry, go back to your country.  We want to keep them here…”

“The White House plan makes no change to the number of green cards allocated each year.  But instead of admitting people through random chance, we will establish simple, universal criteria for admission to the United States.  No matter where in the world you’re born, no matter who your relatives are, if you want to become an American citizen, it will be clear exactly what standard we ask you to achieve.  It will be made crystal clear. This will increase the diversity of immigration flows into our country.  We will replace the existing green card categories with a new visa, the Build America visa — which is what we all want to hear. Like Canada and so many other modern countries, we create an easy-to-navigate points-based selection system.  You will get more points for being a younger worker, meaning you will contribute more to our social safety net.  You will get more points for having a valuable skill, an offer of employment, an advanced education, or a plan to create jobs. We lose people that want to start companies, and, in many cases, they’re forced to leave our country; go back, usually, to the country where they came from; and they’ll startup companies, and some of those companies are among the biggest and most successful companies today in the world.  They could’ve started them right here in the United States, where they wanted to do it in the first place.  Now they’ll have a chance…”

“Four months ago, I had the honor of participating in a swearing-in ceremony for new Americans, right here in the Oval Office.  It was a beautiful reminder that American citizenship is the most precious gift our nation has to offer.  When we swear in new citizens, we do more than give them a permit; we give them a history, a heritage, a home, and a future of limitless possibilities and potential. Our nation used to pride ourselves on this capacity: our unique ability to instill the spirit of America into any human heart, into any human being.  Many of the Democrats have claimed to be for these concepts at different times in their careers and, in many cases, in very recent history.  And I hope that they will end up joining me and all of the people gathered together today in putting politics aside, putting security and wages first, and pursuing these historic reforms…One of the reasons we will win is because of our strong, fair, and pro-America immigration policy.  It’s time to restore our national unity and reaffirm our national purpose.  It is time to rebuild our country for all Americans. Together, we will create an immigration system to make America safer and stronger, and greater than ever before.”

In America, almost all of us are immigrants, and we want people to come to our country legally to make us a better nation! Be sure to watch or listen to hear the full speech from President Trump. What do you think about this new immigration system? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

President Trump Delivers Remarks on Modernizing Our Immigration System for a Stronger America  
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