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Home » 9/11…Seventeen Years Later Remembering the Fallen, Heroes, and what was loosed on our Nation

9/11…Seventeen Years Later Remembering the Fallen, Heroes, and what was loosed on our Nation




We remember the tragedy that happened 17 years ago on September 11, 2001. This tragedy was when the World Trade Centers were hit by airplanes and the attack on the Pentagon and the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. Since this day over a million people have died because of this tragedy and the war that was started from this attack. Over 300,000 soldiers are affected by traumatic brain injuries due to what has happened to them in the war. Also, other people have been casualties due to Radical Islamic terrorist, James Foley, an American journalist who was beheaded for all to see. A British soldier was beheaded in the streets, and a woman was beheaded in her work-place in Oklahoma because she would not convert to Islam. Also, a Jordanian pilot was imprisoned and burned alive!

Many positive changes have taken place in the past 23 months with the Trump Administration. America is being respected in the world again and we must remember everyone who lost their lives to serve and protect our nation! Remember that we all need each other and as we say on 09/11 many came together in America to save lives! We want to hear from you, where were you on 09/11. You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Storyblocks.com

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