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Home » Christian Privilege? Colleges Teach that there is, George Washington University.

Christian Privilege? Colleges Teach that there is, George Washington University.




At George Washington University a seminar is being offered to students concerning how, as reported by CBN News, Christians receive “unmerited perks” and “live life in an easier way” than non-Christians in America – at least that’s what one college is teaching its students. All for the purpose to show that Christians have it easier than non-Christians in America.

Many people in America send their children to Universities and spend thousands of dollars for their education. Only for many children to come from school hating their parents, hating authority and hating God. Universities are re-educating our children with a certain narrative that is not of God and we are funding these re-education camps! Dietrich Bonhoeffer spoke of what was done in Germany in the 1930’s, people would be brought in and re-educated in re-education camps. The goal being to teach you to line up with a certain way of thinking. This is happening in China now! In America, if the way that you think lines up with the U.S. Constitution then you don’t need to change your thinking! 70% of Christians leave the faith when they go to college and 50% that go to Christian universities leave their faith! Universities are leading our children away from the U.S. Constitution and from God and parents are paying for this!

We must take back the Education Mountain! If you look back at universities, they started with the Bible as the foundation. You had to know scripture! And remember the Bible is one of our nation’s founding documents! Greg speaks of the time God downloaded to him within 48 hours history about America and where we came from. Make sure to listen to those segments and obtain great revelation!

You can join the “privilege” and become a follower of Jesus today! Read our stories at Meet My Father and don’t let another moment pass before making Jesus Christ the Lord of your life. Once you make that decision you receive one of many “privileges” as a believer, eternal life! Also, we must remain a Judeo-Christian nation in America by staying true to our Constitution and to God! We want to hear from you, you can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Storyblocks.com

Christian Privilege or Persecution? Students Say GWU Workshop Misses Mark  
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