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Home » WATCH! PROPHECY! Evangelist Steve Hill Wakes Josiah Johnson in a Prophetic Dream. It’s 4:44! Part 2

WATCH! PROPHECY! Evangelist Steve Hill Wakes Josiah Johnson in a Prophetic Dream. It’s 4:44! Part 2




PROPHECY! Evangelist Steve Hill Wakes Josiah Johnson in a Prophetic Dream. It’s 4:44! Part 2

Have you been crying out for revival and for the third great awakening? If that has been your heart, then this program will encourage you! Josiah Johnson with Christ for All Nations and brother of Jeremiah Johnson spoke with Greg about what God is doing and how a move of God is coming to the Glory Zone! God is doing something amazing in the Glory Zone which is on the Gulf Coast in the United States. You don’t want to miss out on what He is doing!

This is the second part of Josiah Johnson sharing an encounter he had with God. Josiah shares a prophetic dream that God gave him before he moved to the Glory Zone. In this dream Steve Hill, the evangelist and prophet who was a part of the Brownsville Revival, visited Josiah. He had never met Steve Hill or been to Brownsville Assembly of God. In the dream Steve was shaking and pouring sweat under the anointing of God as he was preaching and prophesying, from the stage at Brownsville, about the move of God that is coming. He was shouting and saying for everyone to get ready. Josiah was sitting in the front row as he listened.  Steve walked up to Josiah and pointed at him and told him to stand up. Before he could stand up Steve grabbed him by his shirt and stood him up, so they were face to face. Steve began to shake Josiah violently and began to yell, WAKE UP. He said it over and over and then said wake up it is 4:44 and finally Steve said wake up now.

Josiah then woke up from his dream and looked at his clock and the time was 4:44. He felt the fear of the Lord and was trembling as he began to pray in the spirit and the Lord gave him the scripture Ezekiel 44:4.

“Then he brought me by way of the north gate to the front of the temple, and I looked, and behold, the glory of the Lord filled the temple of the Lord. And I fell on my face.” Ezekiel 44:4 ESV

This was a holy moment with God, and he knew that the Lord was marking his heart in through this dream. Out of this encounter he asked what God was saying and the Lord said, ‘I want you to tell the Church, tell My people that I am coming, and My glory is coming with me.’

Josiah continues, “The Lord began to give me some very clear things about this move of God. We are getting where you feel the earth shaking all over with the groaning of the coming of the Son of God. It is longing for the manifestations of the sons of God, those who walk in the anointing and the power of Holy Spirit, who are emptied of themselves and walking with Jesus in a real way. And the Lord said, ‘This move of God is not going to be about a man or a ministry. It’s going to be about Me and My Glory.’”

Josiah works full time for Christ for All Nations, CFAN, and Light the Fire Again Conference, is coming to the Glory Zone in Pensacola, Florida which is what originally brought Josiah to Pensacola.

Light the Fire Again, LTFA, will have many men and women of God speaking including those who have been involved with huge revivals and moves of God. This includes Carlos Annacondia, Brenda Kilpatrick, Daniel Kolenda, Reinhard Bonnke and more! You can register HERE for free and it is September 4-7, 2019. They plan to have over 10,000 people at this gathering and there will be overflow at Brownsville Assembly. We are believing for a move of God in Pensacola but also a move that will shake the world! So far over 30 nations have registered for the conference.

Josiah believes with over 10,000 people gathering that there will be a catalytic outpouring of Holy Spirit! Kingdom minded people will be gathered together to strategize about what the Lord is doing in these last days. God gave Josiah the word catalytic which is defined as an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action. He says that “We are in a catalytic moment in Church history where honestly we have an opportunity based, on what is going on in the nations and in this nation, particularly right now, to use this as an opportunity to catapult the Church forward into the things of the Kingdom of heaven.”

He felt led by the Lord to share, “That just because we have this moment doesn’t mean that it is guaranteed to happen. It means that God is giving the Church another opportunity, like He has many times before this, to be a participant, a divine partaker, in what the Kingdom of God is doing right now.” We can’t be a spectator! We must be in the middle of all that God is doing. Leonard Ravenhill said, “The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity.” We must be faithful in the little things, in the mundane times because just like Brownsville Revival and other large moves of God, they just happened all of a sudden. These took place because of the people that stayed faithful in the secret place crying out for revival.

We are seeing the beginning of a Third Great Awakening and an awakening is a DNA change of the people! Josiah continues, “There is a call…of the message of the Gospel of the Kingdom beginning to come forth again in an extravagant way. It doesn’t take a prophet…to see that we need a DNA change, we need revival, we need the Lord to come and move.”

God can interrupt your reality and bring the great awakening out of nowhere. As we have seen in past revivals and great awakenings, they happen right at the time that the world is in utter darkness. In America and the world there is gross darkness everywhere trying to snuff out the light and we must remember spiritual warfare is real. Josiah continues, “I believe we are coming into this moment of time where light is pushing back in an amazing way. It is going to drive back the darkness…I believe that we need revival because we have been in survival mode. So, God is taking us from surviving and teaching us how to get into thriving. Which is what revival does, it takes the Church that is trying to survive, it revives it and all of a sudden, we begin to thrive in our DNA in what God has called us to. We become that fully alive man in Christ. The body begins to work together to move together.”

Greg shares about the Brownsville Revival as he was there that Father’s Day in 1995 when the revival started. As he was touched by the Glory of God he felt that DNA change and how as Josiah said, it took him and others to thriving as they were healed and set free! What those in ministry at Brownsville had tried for years to change God showed up and the changes took place instantly! Greg shares also how God touched him in this outpouring and literally took the spirit out of Greg and put a new spirit in him. It was powerful suddenlies and the biggest thing that happened is that people fell in love with Jesus.

Josiah remarks about the move of God and how we can’t think our way into it. We can’t always understand what God is doing. “We just get caught up intellectually. We are trying to understand all the time what the Lord is doing. It is hard for us because we are limited, we are subjected, we are finite; God is unlimited, He is unsubjected, He is objective, and He is infinite. He lives outside of time and space and we live in time and space. I am saying all that to say that the Kingdom of God is more caught than it is taught…I think that is part of what the Lord is doing. He is saying to let go of your intellect, let go of trying to figure out what is going to happen or how it is going to happen or how you can make it happen…many people in the Church are tired of religion, they are tired of striving.” Even Pastors get tired! The day in and day out of doing the same thing gets tiring while waiting on the Lord. Josiah believes that God is shifting us into something different and we must be ready to do something new! Are you ready to do something new? 

If you are feeling at the end of yourself and have given up doing things yourself, knowing that only Jesus can help you, you are set up for a breakthrough! Don’t give up because you are at the point where Jesus can move in your life. Dr. Michael Brown said that God gives a man a vision, He destroys the man, and then He brings forth the vision, then we must catch up with what is going on. So, don’t give up because you are right where God wants you.

Josiah continues and says that God is restoring hope in this season!

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12 ESV

If your hope was differed because of difficult circumstances that you have faced even those in ministry. Josiah prophesied over you, “The God who sees you, knows you, loves you, created you is about to break into your life with power. With fresh anointing; God is going to restore your hope. He is going to revive your spirit within you…He is going to remove that thing that has oppressed you and weighed you down and pull it out of you. And not just to pull it out of you but to put His Spirit within you in an even greater way.” Believe again in the things that God has said! How has this message encouraged you? Have you experienced the Glory of God? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected]. Greg shared in this segment.

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