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Home » PROPHECY & PROPHETIC ENCOUNTER! THE WAIT IS OVER! 2020 Begins the Decade of Difference -Hank Kunneman Greg Lancaster shares about an awesome encounter with how Jesus revealed Himself to Greg

PROPHECY & PROPHETIC ENCOUNTER! THE WAIT IS OVER! 2020 Begins the Decade of Difference -Hank Kunneman Greg Lancaster shares about an awesome encounter with how Jesus revealed Himself to Greg




Jesus reveals Himself to Greg Lancaster in a prophetic encounter that he does his best to describe.  When you hear or read about his encounter, I believe a hunger for more of Jesus will begin to fill your heart.  First, before that, let’s talk about this awesome prophetic word for 2020!!! IT’S TIME! God has so many uplifting and encouraging things to make known to us, and this is the year! 2020 is the beginning of a Decade of Difference. God is putting a distinction on those who are His and showing Himself powerfully to those who are not His in hopes that they would want to know Him and become part of Him! This is so exciting! Your expectations are about to break forth as you begin to hear what God is saying!

As many of us are going through our day-to-day routines, it seems as though we are just on a treadmill of life and it doesn’t seem that we’re making any progress. Can you relate? Be encouraged! When the timeclocks of Creation and the timeclocks of the world ticked over from December 31, 2019, to January 1, 2020, the treadmill ended! Just listen to what the Spirit of the Lord showed Hank Kunneman.

Kunneman points our attention to Exodus 33:16-19 when Moses asked the Lord how the world would know that He is with them. What distinguishes the Body of Christ from those in the world? “Listen, if you’ve been going through stuff, the wait is over. The weight, the heaviness is over! The cycle is complete!” Kunneman continues to point out how many are focusing on the earthquakes and wars. Yes, this is Scripture. In Matthew 23:3-13, Jesus speaks about how all of these signs are the beginning of birth pains. As Kunneman reminds us, we must remember verse 14; “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Gospel means “Good News”. God is going to reveal His goodness to His people.

Is there really any point in telling people about the Jesus that we know if the people who do not know Jesus as their Lord don’t see any difference in OUR lives? “What’s God going to pass by? What’s going to be part of the Decade of Difference? GOD’S GOODNESS! What are we going to be able to preach to other people? ‘God is good! Look at me! Look at what He’s done. My kids aren’t sick. C’mon! My vehicles aren’t breaking down! My home is blessed! My body is blessed! Why? Because God has passed by me!’” Are you ready for God to pass by you with His goodness?

GREG’S PROPHETIC ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS! The Lord also revealed Himself in a powerful prophetic encounter with Greg Lancaster. You’ve got to watch the program of how Greg did his best to describe what he says is impossible to describe, as there are not words that match the awesome presence and love of Jesus.  He described Jesus as having shorter hair than you’ve seen in paintings.  His beard was short, close to His face, and He was standing among the people. The closest picture or painting Greg could find to describe best how Jesus looked was a painting that was done by Akiane Kramarik when she was just 8 years old.  If you took Akiane’s painting and cut Jesus’ hair closer to His head and His beard closer to His face it would be how Jesus revealed Himself to Greg.  Amongst those who were around Jesus, some people knew Him, some did not know Him, and some people were even conspiring against Him. Those who knew Him, knew Him, and those who didn’t know Him, didn’t. Recognizing Jesus, Greg immediately went up to the Lord and hugged Him as tightly as He could. He attempts to describe the feeling that was so loving and fulfilling in his spirit, heart, as he hugged Jesus feeling the love.  Loving God, Greg says, is our highest purpose, calling and feeling of deepest satisfaction.  It is as if we find our purpose when we can love Him.  Jesus is One who walks “amongst the lampstands,” as described in Revelation 2:1. We were designed to love God. The most fulfilling moment in your life is when you are fully engaged in loving Jesus with all your heart! THIS IS SO AWESOME! Just imagine that! If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, He KNOWS YOU! Jesus isn’t caught up and worried about the cares and worries of this life. He’s caught up IN YOU! Receive this truth and declare the Decade of Difference is Now!

See the full conversation about this Decade of Difference and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Hank Kunneman, Moses, the Goodness of God, 2020, blessings, prophecy, Holy Spirit, and hope. Greg shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com


Hank Kunneman Prophetic Message – 2020 and the Decade of Difference


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