Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same







In the past, for so long, 2020 seemed like it was so far away! Well here it is! This is the beginning of a Decade of Difference! God is releasing many prophetic words about what He is doing in this year and this decade. One of these prophetic voices is Hank Kunneman, and he shared what the Lord showed him about the days we are now walking into.

“He said, “this shall be a year of double” and I said Lord why is it a year of double? He said, “Because! Look at 2020. I want to show you. He said, again this is not a coincidence. Notice it’s “20”, and then you have the same “20”. 2020.” How many of you see double? Because God is saying this is a unique year, but it is a unique decade that we’re getting ready to enter into.” It is in the hearing of these encouraging words that we look at 2 Chronicles 20:20. “Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be established; believe his prophets, and you will succeed.” Kunneman continues to bring encouragement as he empathizes with the journey that many have gone through. “Maybe some of you have been shamed. It’s been hard. Maybe you’ve been harassed. You’ve been made fun of, treated wrongly, falsely accused, finger pointed at, and its been a rough going. How many of you can say that’s you?” Don’t get caught up in the weariness of the fight. You are about to receive double of God’s goodness for the measure of struggle that you’ve experienced.

Kunneman continues to share what God revealed to him about this coming double blessing and he points first to Isaiah 61:7. “Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; therefore, in their land they shall possess a double portion; they shall have everlasting joy.” Think about this! So often when we are going through times of difficulty, we get worn out and wonder if God is ever going to answer. Remember this; 2020 is a year of SUDDENLIES! Just like what 2 Chronicles 20:20, claim this word as YOUR word. Believe what God has said! Declare it and decree that God is giving you double of what was taken from you.

As God moves in this Decade of Difference, He is going to pour out His glory. His glory is a double-edged sword. For those who love God and love His presence, this is a beautiful thing. But, for those who are enemies of God and do not want His presence, the coming glory of His presence is not a good thing! Kunneman talked about this difference that is going to be seen.  “When the glory of God comes, it is a blessing for those who walk with God…when glory comes things begin to change…It’s a blessing depending on what side of the glory you’re on. If you’re on the side of God, and you’re His people, and you’re called by His name and you’ve received Him, you’re gonna walk in 2020 with the blessing and you’re gonna walk in the Decade of Difference and you’re gonna have a distinct difference and people are going to look at you and they’re going to see it!” For those who are against God and not on the Lord’s side, the coming days will not be so enjoyable. “But, if you’re not on the side of God, it’s gonna bring kings and rulers of nations, like God did with Pharaoh, to a place of extreme accountability and a confrontation with the wonder of God.” This is exactly what the Lord said to Greg Lancaster. The seat of evil is coming down and the seat of the righteous is going to rise. When God’s gavel of judgment comes down on the evil doer, it’s going to release great provision!

So many people are believing that God doesn’t exist, or they are reshaping who they think God is. They start living their lives based on their wrong perception of God despite them talking about God every day of their lives. Be encouraged! God is about to shift everything imaginable. He is preparing everything so that the greatest harvest of souls can be brought into the Kingdom. Look at Hebrews 6:10, “For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.” Just because you are going through difficult times and seasons, don’t give up on God. In a matter of moments everything seemed to be lost in the life of Job. Imagine his struggle, the warfare, the loss and devastation. But God! It wasn’t over just because Job was in a particular season. God was fully aware of everything taking place in Job’s life and He was about to bring about a suddenly.

Kunneman prophecies that the sudden blessings that took place in the life of Job is a shadow of what will take place in 2020. Job ended up receiving double of what he initially lost. “But why did Job receive double…this is an important principle if we want the blessing of God…you cannot have unforgiveness in your heart…we don’t want to get caught up in that same kind of spirit that is running rampant through our culture: hatred, division, prejudice, strife, anger, arguing, fighting.” Kunneman continues to point out that we must do what Job did as we begin 2020. “We need to really examine our hearts and pray on a regular basis. Is there anyone God that I need to pray for? Is there anyone that has been spitefully using me that I need to forgive? And, if so, release them. Because when the Lord turned the captivity of Job, it was when he prayed for his friends.” Kunneman continues to share the prophetic significance of 2020. “When you see a zero, it’s a completed cycle. Something has been completed. Something is over. 2020 shall be the beginning that the wait/weight is over!” With eager emphasis, Kunneman emphasizes his point, “The zero represents a completed cycle. Your trial! Your waiting! Your harassment. Is over! How many believe that? And not just once but double!” When these seasons of hardship and oppression continue to carry on for longer than we can bear, it’s hard to imagine a reality outside of it. Now is the time to believe the Lord and His prophets!  This is how God works. It’s time for the weight of the Glory of God to come upon you!

See the full conversation of the many prophetic words released by Hank Kunneman, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: God’s Courtroom, judgment, Kingdom Wealth, wealth transfer, Pool of Bethesda, suddenlies, blessings, Holy Spirit, forgiveness, double portion year, double portion decade, spiritual warfare, and mercy. Greg shared in this segment.

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