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Home » PROPHECY! “God Dealing with 3 Principalities in Church: Racism, Radical Feminism & Moloch” Jeremiah Johnson

PROPHECY! “God Dealing with 3 Principalities in Church: Racism, Radical Feminism & Moloch” Jeremiah Johnson




This is a prophecy! God is preparing us for what is going to happen in the nation of America! Jeremiah Johnson, an apostolic overseer of Heart of the Father Ministry, bestselling author, and founder and director of Maranatha School of Ministry delivers a prophetic word. He is speaking on Sid Roth It’s Supernatural and shares how God is dealing with specific principalities in the Church.

In a prophetic dream, Johnson shares that, he was in the White House and he saw President Donald Trump looking into a mirror and when he looked at the reflection, he surprisingly saw Abraham Lincoln! Lincoln said, “Donald, I’m here to reveal to you the principalities that you are facing in America that must be torn down.” Behind President Trump was a large window and Johnson pulled the curtain back and he saw three large principalities on the White House lawn. They were 40 feet tall! “The first principality was the principality of racism. God said it is an ancient evil, in America, that must be torn down.

“The next principality was called radical feminism. It was a woman with horns coming out of her head. The third principality was the god of Moloch. It is the shedding of innocent blood, the feeding of it.” Johnson continues with what the Lord was saying, “All three of these principalities are inter-connected. There’s a connection between abortion, how we are placing Planned Parenthood strategically in African American demographics and neighborhoods. I believe to support Planned Parenthood is to support racism.”

CBN News reported on the history of how Planned Parenthood started. Margaret Sanger began this organization with a focus on abortion among African Americans. Reportedly “In many black communities, for every child born, three others are aborted. More than double the rate among whites.” As CBN News’ Charlene Aaron additionally highlights, “Black Americans were long ago targets of the abortion industry. In the early 20th Century, Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood, an organization that later became the nation’s largest abortion provider…Sanger encouraged abortion and sterilization to limit the size of black families.” Pastor Clenard Childress Jr founder of Black Genocide.org, boldly declares, “[abortion] is black genocide.” 

Change is coming to America, and pro-life decisions are being made as our prayers are answered with President Donald Trump and his administration standing for life. We must also stand up for life and be active to help change the narrative concerning babies and new life. We need to look at the facts, especially as we have elections coming up in America, we need to vote for someone who stands for life so that we can end innocent bloodshed in America! Abortion will end and we believe once that is done, the great awakening will come to our nation. This prophecy is encouraging; God is dealing with the evil in America! What do you think about abortion ending in our nation? We want to hear from you. Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE. Greg shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

2020 Prophetic Outlook with Hank Kunneman, Tracy Cooke & Jeremiah Johnson

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