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Home » PROPHECY! “Mantle of Elijah Dethroning Jezebel Spirit in America,” Jeremiah Johnson



This is a prophecy! God is preparing us for what is going to happen in the nation of America! Jeremiah Johnson, an apostolic overseer of Heart of the Father Ministry, bestselling author, and founder and director of Maranatha School of Ministry delivers a prophetic word. He is speaking on Sid Roth It’s Supernatural and shares how the Church will receive the mantle of Elijah and the Jezebel spirit in America will be dethroned.

Johnson starts how God spoke to him on the day of the inauguration of President Donald Trump and he saw Nancy Pelosi dressed in white. God told him the spirit of radical feminism is the spirit of Jezebel. “I believe that there has been a Jezebelic attack on President Trump, but it will require the spirit and power of Elijah. There is a mantle of Elijah that is going to come upon the prophets and upon a prophetic Church.”

Johnson encourages all of us that we all can be prophetic and that we, believers, have authority in prayer. “This mantle of Elijah, that will dethrone Jezebel is available to the entire Church…hell is being broken not only off the White House; hell will be broken off of homes in 2020.” Many homes have been attacked with the Jezebel spirit, where men don’t feel like men because they are emasculated. Boys don’ feel like boys anymore either because things have been flipped upside down to try to take men out of their role as a leader and father in homes.

Greg shares that God told him prophetically he needed to write down everything that President Trump does. He wasn’t sure why God said to do that but now, as we see every hard thing that President Trump has faced, he has walked in boldness. He doesn’t get tied up in what he sees; he stands firm on what he knows is the truth. As believers, we are to walk in boldness which is faith! Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Where is the Church’s voice in America? What is the Church saying? At VFNKB, we are saying that 2020 is a breakthrough year and Jezebel is coming down! God told Greg specifically that He is taking down the Jezebel spirit which is why the VFNtv studios are located on the Gulf Coast. God is dealing with this spirit through President Trump, but the Church needs to participate in this because a president is only in office temporarily. The Church can always be moving in faith and boldness. And we can participate by getting out to vote in the elections!

What are your thoughts about the Jezebel spirit being dealt with in America? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE. Greg shared in this segment. 

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

2020 Prophetic Outlook with Hank Kunneman, Tracy Cooke & Jeremiah Johnson

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