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Home » PROPHECY! “President Trump & Baby Boomers Keys to the Ending of Abortion,” Jeremiah Johnson



This is a prophecy! God is preparing us for what is going to happen in the nation of America! Jeremiah Johnson, an apostolic overseer of Heart of the Father Ministry, bestselling author, and founder and director of Maranatha School of Ministry delivers a prophetic word. He is speaking on Sid Roth It’s Supernatural and shares how President Donald Trump and Baby Boomers are the key to the ending of abortion which will ultimately lead to the next great awakening.

Johnson shares how he was led by the Lord to study Abraham Lincoln and the Founding Fathers, and through that study, God revealed to him how President Trump has many similarities to Lincoln. “He [God] raised up Abraham Lincoln in a unique time in history. He was a flawed man, but what God used him to do was to issue an Emancipation Proclamation concerning the slaves. I believe that God has raised up Donald Trump to issue an Emancipation Proclamation concerning the millions of babies that have been aborted.”

Johnson asked the Lord, who was the key to this happening, and He said, “The future of America is in the hands of the Baby Boomers.” God showed Johnson that God has anointed this group of people. “It will be the gray hairs and the white hairs that will determine the future of America. God has raised up Trump to confront and issue an Emancipation Proclamation.” Go Baby Boomers go!

There is no such thing as retirement as a follower of Jesus Christ. The Baby Boomers, who were born from 1946-1964, have much wisdom that the younger generations need! They can learn from your success and your failures. In Greg’s book, I Will Fight: Ten Strategies for Success, he wrote about the coming wealth transfer the Lord has shown him is coming, and we will all need wisdom and character to be able to handle the wealth! Get your copy of I Will Fight HERE and be encouraged and empowered through the wisdom and strategies shared in the book.

What are your thoughts about President Trump being compared with Abraham Lincoln? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE. Greg shared in this segment.  

Image courtesy of Whitehouse.gov

2020 Prophetic Outlook with Hank Kunneman, Tracy Cooke & Jeremiah Johnson

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