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Home » Justin Bieber Shares What was the Turning Point in His Faith 



God is moving in the Entertainment Mountain! In recent days there have been many different people in the entertainment industry who have given their lives to the Lord, including Kanye West and Justin Bieber. We hear from Justin Bieber as he is interviewed on Apple Music with Zane Lowe. There are a series of questions Justin answers, so be sure to watch them all. This is encouraging as he shares his faith in Christ!

Justin shares with Zane what the turning point was in his faith. He had to learn who Jesus is because he had many bad examples in his life of people who called themselves believers but didn’t live any different than unbelievers. “It was my perception of who Jesus really was. I had really bad examples of Christians in my life who would say one thing and do another. But they were my direct example of who Jesus was.” He says that is why he didn’t take his faith seriously at first. His mom was a Christian but was hurt and was on her own faith journey, so she would say one thing but do the opposite. It confused Justin.

He was made to feel ashamed for the times that he messed up, but that is not who Jesus is! He took our shame on the cross! Shame produces more of the same, so you will never come out of sin if you are under a spirit of shame. Yes, we should feel bad for our sins, but once we repent, we must believe and receive the forgiveness, by faith, that Jesus offers everyone. Have you had a turning point in your faith? Have you had people in your life that set a bad example for you? Have you been a bad example for others? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com


Zane Lowe Interview with Justin Bieber


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