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Home » Justin Bieber Takes a Deep Dive into His Faith 



God is moving in the Entertainment Mountain! In recent days there have been many different people in the entertainment industry who have given their lives to the Lord, including Kanye West and Justin Bieber. We hear from Justin Bieber as he is interviewed on Apple Music with Zane Lowe. There are a series of questions Justin answers, so be sure to watch them all. This is encouraging as he shares his faith in Christ!

As Justin talks with Zane, he shares how he took a deep dive into his faith in Jesus Christ, which should encourage us all to take a deep dive in our faith! This was in a time when he stepped out of the spotlight for almost two years. “I really took a deep dive in my faith, to be honest…I believed in Jesus, but…when it [Scripture] says following Jesus is actually turning away from sin and so, what it talks about in the Bible, there is no obedience, there is no faith without obedience. I had a faith like I believe Jesus died on the cross for me, but I never really implemented it into my life.”

This should encourage us to ask these same questions and examine ourselves. It is one thing to believe in Jesus, but our actions should line up by obeying Him.

“Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”  James 2:17

Our works do not save us, but what we do is a byproduct of faith in Jesus. In the western world, it is being taught differently, which has confused new followers of Jesus, where you can have faith, but you don’t have to change your actions to line up with God’s Word. Are you ready to take a deep dive into your faith like Justin? Anyone can leave their faith in Jesus Christ, even Pastors. Are you walking out what God has said to do? You can make that decision today! Take that dive into your faith with Justin. We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

Zane Lowe Interview with Justin Bieber


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